Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
Update: 4 May, 2014 @ 8:58am

Update 1.2
- The entrance to Windows from Side Room has been changed to remove a deadly Terrorist firing angle.
- The entrance to Side Room from Side Hall has been changed in order to give CT's better firing angles upon entering.
- Multiple unintended boost spots have been removed. Player paranoia should be reduced as a result.
- All handrails in the level only have player collision now. They should no longer soak up bullets in firefights.
- Some props have been removed in the entrance to Offices, allowing primarily CT's to move more freely.
- Half of the tables and chairs have been removed in the Main Hall, allowing for better movement.
- Added a small recess to Balcony, which provides partial cover.
- The large desk in Lobby has been lowered slightly, allowing players to fire above it consistently.
- Increased lighting and added contrast background in Back Entrance. CT's pushing Long Hall should now spot Terrorist snipers more easily.

Update: 23 Sep, 2013 @ 11:07am

Update 1.1
- Prevented an exploit in T spawn.

Update: 8 Sep, 2013 @ 5:04am

Version 1.0
- Hostages now spawn in more different locations.
- Placesnames have now been added and will be used by bots and will show up next to team chat messages. Look in the upper left of your screen to see the name of the area you are in!
- Terrorists can no longer access the helipad. It is now harder for T to cover the hostage rescue zone.
- Both the normal radar and the spectator radar, the one shown during loading, have been improved and are now more readable.
- Reflective surfaces have been toned down.
- The Main Hall artwork has been improved visually.
- The navigation mesh has been improved.

Update: 31 Aug, 2013 @ 4:25pm

Release Candidate #1