

73 ratings
Aimbeast 4.0 | Complete Guide
By tierem
A guide explaining everything you need to know in order to use all the main game features and to share, download and create custom scenarios, characters, weapons, bots, routines and maps.
Creating scenarios
Go to (play>custom) and click on “New Scenario”. From there you can change all your scenario settings, click “Create” when you are done. Custom scenarios can be played by clicking on them from the custom tab.

Scenario settings

Scenario type
Type of aiming trained by the scenario, if none is appropriate, choose “HYBRID”.
Character profile
Character profile used by the scenario.
Bot number
Bot spawning limit, they stop spawning after this number is reached.
Spawn collision handling
Determines what happens if bot spawns are in a non-desired location or are overlapping with blocks or other bots.
Spawning system
“Normal” spawns a bot every 0.02 seconds and can have a custom spawn delay while “Instant” spawns all remaining bots instantly.
Cycle bot profiles
Spawns the full list of bot profiles randomly in a cycle.
Spawn overlap protection
Disables spawns within a radius when a bot is killed.
Fixed HFOV
Locks the horizontal FOV to a specific range and disables ADS. (this should be used only in specific cases and should be avoided if possible)
Enable time cap
Use this when using time bonuses and prevent the session time from going above this value.
Map used by the scenario.
Bot profiles (ID,Weight)
Bots used by the scenario.

Scoring systems
  • Normal: Gives points when a bot is hit, you can change how many points are given by changing these settings: Score per kill / body hit / headshot.
  • Distance traveled: Gives points based on player velocity (>98%). (shows as extra score when the scenario ends)
  • Movement based: Gives points based on player movement and duration. The 4 time ranges are used to determine how many points to give based on how long the strafe is (“Bonus points” are multiplied by “Range multiplier” when the movement is < time range). “Min valid time” and “Valid time limit” should be set to the first time range and last time range. (shows as extra score when the scenario ends)
  • Conditional (AIMER7): Gives points based on how the focused bot is moving. You can select what type of movement the player should perform for each bot's movement. This should be used if you want to force a specific type of movement like mirroring, anti-mirroring, etc.. (shows as extra score when the scenario ends)
  • Score multipliers: These can be used to add an additional score multiplier which will multiply the final raw score. It is not recommended to add any extra multiplier in most cases.

Uploading scenarios
Go to (play>custom) and click on the upload button. From there you can set description, tags and change notes (make sure to accept workshop terms of service before uploading a scenario, otherwise it will not work). To update existing scenarios, check “Update existing scenario” from the same tab and select your existing scenario from the drop-down. (scenarios may take up to 10 minutes to show up on the public list of scenarios after they are uploaded)

Downloading scenarios
To download existing scenarios go to (play>normal) and click on the download button on the side of a scenario from the list. When the download is completed all downloaded scenarios will be visible in (play>custom).

Scenarios verification
All verified scenarios will load on top of the list of workshop scenarios and must follow all the guidelines for verification, you can find more information and guidelines here[].
Creating maps
You can create maps directly from the “New Scenario” tab by checking “New Map?” or by selected one created from (customize>maps). If you want to test and edit the scenario settings directly from the map editor, open your maps by clicking “Edit in editor” from the scenario settings tab.

To move around, hold the right mouse button and move the mouse around to rotate the camera while pressing [WASD] for moving and [SPACE/CTRL] to fly up/down. (All keybinds can be changed from the settings tab)

Blocks library
You can see all available blocks from the library in the bottom-left corner, to add a block drag and drop it on the map editor grid. To delete existing blocks, click on them and press [DEL] on your keyboard.

Editing blocks
Selected blocks can be translated, rotated, scaled using the gizmo or by setting values manually using the transform tab in the bottom-right corner. To change edit mode, press the buttons in the top-right corner or use the keybinds (Translate: [W], Rotate [E], Scale [R]). You can also select multiple blocks by holding the [SHIFT] button while selecting 2 or more blocks.

Prefabs are made of multiple blocks and can be saved by selecting 2 or more blocks and clicking on “Save as prefab..” button. All your prefabs can be found in your library and can be dropped inside the map like any other block.

Function blocks
Function blocks are essential for running a scenario properly and each one has extra editable properties:

Player spawn
Used for player spawning. Arrow color is orange if main spawn.
AI spawn
Used for bot spawning. Spawn ID and Group ID can be used in scenario settings to control bot spawning order.
Invisible block
An invisible colliding block which doesnt stop bullets.
Kill block
If touched kills the player / bot.
End game block
If touched ends the session.
Jump pad
Launches a player / bot in air. Direction and force can be changed and randomized from the jump pad settings.
Teleports a player / bot to another teleporter. Add out IDs to select the out teleporter(s). (You can also randomize out ID using the weight value)
Dynamic block
This block can move, hide/unhide and be destroyed based on a timer, kill count, or session time. The block 3D model can be selected from the dynamic block settings tab.

Play mode
If have opened the map from the scenario settings, you can also change settings and play the scenario directly from the map editor. To go back to edit mode press [ESC].
Creating characters
To create a character go to (customize>characters) and click on the “+” button. From there you can change all your character settings, remember to click “Save” when you are done.

Extra settings

Blinks in the direction of movement in a straight line. (You can give points when the player uses this ability)
Same as blinks but with a vertical boost option.
Moves the player using a TDS movement profile. During this mode player input is ignored.

Movement speeds

Apex legends (Walk)
Apex legends (ADS)
Apex legends (Run)
Fortnite (Sprint)
Fortnite (Run)
PUBG (Run)
PUBG (Walk)
Rainbow 6 Siege
CS:GO (Run)
CS:GO (Walk)
Valorant (Pistol)
Valorant (Rifles)
Valorant (Operator)
Valorant (Knife)

Creating weapons
To create a weapon go to (customize>weapons) and click on the “+” button. From there you can change all your weapon settings, remember to click “Save” when you are done.

Recoil types
Each shot will add some recoil randomly, based on vertical / horizontal recoil values.
Each shot will follow a specific pattern which can be edited by clicking “edit pattern”. If you are trying to match other games, adjust “recoil scale” and “recoil speed” to match the pattern for a specific distance.
Predictive (Multishot)
Same as predictive but used for multi-shot weapons like shotguns, the saved pattern will be shot all at once. To add some vertical / horizontal recoil, adjust the strength and scale. (Make sure to adjust “bullet per shot” to your pattern’s length)

Recoil reset is currently disabled, this section will be updated when re-enabled.
Creating bots
To create a bot go to (customize>bots) and click on the “+” button. From there you can change all your bot settings, remember to click “Save” when you are done.

Bot settings
Life time
Destroy the bot after “x” seconds.
Use character movement settings
Loads movement properties from the scenario’s selected character.
TDS movement profiles
Imitation learning based movement profiles. These profiles can be made by clicking “new profile” with “TDS” selected and starting the training session, which lasts 3/4 minutes. A TDS profile can’t be changed after creation.
Legacy movement profiles
Math based movement profiles. These profiles can be made by clicking “new profile” with “legacy” selected and a tab will show up where you can adjust values manually.
Forward angle multiplier
Scales the forward angle of movement. (e.g. with a value lower than 1.00 the bot will move slightly less forward when moving LF or RF)

Event system
You can assign up to 5 different events for every bot, these events are made of three parts:
  • Event trigger: this is the condition that will run the event triggered (On hit, on destroy, on jump, timer)
  • Event triggered: this is the action triggered (Jump, fly up/down, freeze, etc.)
  • Event chance: this is the chance of the action triggered happening
For every event triggered, you have some settings:
  • Randomized?: if the event is random (e.g. jump at random velocities)
  • Event power: the event power will change based on the event you are going to trigger (e.g. for jump = jump velocity, for freeze = freeze time, etc.)
Creating routines
Go to (play>routines>local) and click on “New Routine”. From there you can change all your scenario settings, click “Create” when you are done. Custom scenarios can be played by clicking on them from the custom tab.

Play order
  • Default: Plays the routines in the order you see in the routine settings.
  • Randomize list: Plays the routine scenario list in a random order.
  • Randomize all: Plays the routine scenario list and reps in a random order.

Uploading routines
Go to (play>routines>local) and click on the upload button. From there you can set description, tags and change notes (make sure to accept workshop terms of service before uploading a routine, otherwise it will not work). To update existing routines, check “Update existing routine” from the same tab and select your existing routine from the drop-down. (routines may take up to 10 minutes to show up on the public list of routines after they are uploaded)

Downloading routines
To download existing routines go to (play>routines>workshop) and click on the download button on the side of a routine from the list. When the download is completed all downloaded routines will be visible in (play>routines>local).

Routines verification
All verified routines will load on top of the list of workshop routines and must follow all the guidelines for verification, you can find more information and guidelines here[].

Custom files
Importing custom files
To import custom files go into your game installation folder (Steam library > Right click on “Aimbeast” > Manage > Browse local files) and open Aimbeast\Trainer.

As .ogg files in ..\Aimbeast\Trainer\Sounds
As .rtn files in ..\Aimbeast\Trainer\Routines
As .png files in ..\Aimbeast\Trainer\Crosshairs (recommended size 256x256 pixels)
As .theme files in ..\Aimbeast\Trainer\Themes
As .cfg file in ..\Aimbeast\Trainer (could be useful if you have a backup of your settings)

Twitch DanGames 2 Dec, 2024 @ 7:05pm 
Spectizer 1 Jun, 2023 @ 10:35pm 
Is there a way to select multiple objects at once in the Map Creator?
auraking11 22 Feb, 2022 @ 5:42pm 
what button do i press to remove a player spawn