641 人が評価
[FSF] Better Spike Traps
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
122.631 KB
2018年7月30日 5時12分
3月14日 23時45分
15 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

[FSF] Better Spike Traps

FrozenSnowFox 作成の 1 件のコレクション
[FSF] FrozenSnowFox Mods/Update Info 1.5
28 アイテム

Spike traps have become less viable due to their high resource cost and their inability to be placed near each other. This mod removes the distance limitation and reduces the trap cost from 45 materials to 15. While a bit cheap early on I think the cost will probably put them in a decent place in the long run especially on high difficulties that see 100+ raiders.

This mod also adds a duplicate spike trap that can only be made of stone. The purpose of this trap is to lower the extremely high construction time of stone traps to match other materials making them viable for defence.


If the mod isn't entirely to your liking its very easy to modify the cost or readd the distance limitation. You will however have to redo your changes if the mod is updated. You can find the mod located under


The file you need to edit is located under the Patches folder. Simply open the file in notepad and you’ll be able to modify it. Inside you’ll find each change as its own little paragraph. To change the material cost simply change the number inside <costStuffCount>. To readd the distance limitation remove the first 2 text paragraphs in the patch operation, the one with description and the one with /placeworkers.


Made by FrozenSnowFox
The mod icon is from Game icons[game-icons.net] and was modified by me. It is used under the CC BY 3.0 Licence[creativecommons.org]

If you enjoy my mods and want to give me a little tip check out the link below.

89 件のコメント
Evono 6月1日 5時56分 
Thanks for Updating to 1.5 !
fractalgem 5月31日 13時26分 
>lowers the extremely high construction cost of stone
oooh yesssss thank youuu!

The time to create a granite or even sandstone spike trap is absolutely RIDICULOUS, to the point where it seems almost pointless to give us the option to make it at all!
FrozenSnowFox  [作成者] 5月14日 15時22分 
I would but I can't code so I'm afraid it's not going to happen.
Nic 5月14日 14時57分 
but if you don't do that then oh well, you can still just install the individual mods
Nic 5月14日 14時56分 
Honestly you should just integrate Trap Disable and Do Not Avoid Trap into this mod to have 1 super mod about spike traps, it'll be the mod of the year that every Rimworld player has at all times
Hebrux 5月1日 13時47分 
Some mods are so great, you think it's a part of the game! Thank you!
squishyrogue 4月19日 5時51分 
I just learnt that this is a mod I can't play without so I just wanted to give a big ol' prop to the maker. Thanks mate. This mod is the best.
FrozenSnowFox  [作成者] 3月22日 16時51分 
It's not updated for 1.5 yet but Trap Disable is what I used to use. Also Colonist Do not Avoid Trap works well with it so they don't waste time pathing around them.

FlareFluffsune 3月22日 16時42分 
this is great and I find myself using spike traps more in my defenses but is there also something to stop my pawns triggering traps, especially pets who keep wandering into one cell wide corridors full of them!
Cinek 2023年12月30日 14時10分 
havent tested tho