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Not Recommended
8.3 hrs last two weeks / 247.1 hrs on record (184.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Jan, 2023 @ 2:35pm

If you're only going to play the single-player story and never touch the online game with a 12 foot pole, you'll probably enjoy the game a lot more than me. Unfortunately for my sanity, I chose to put most of my hours into Red Dead Online.

Worst Mistake of my Life.

Rockstar Games Studio is, ostensibly, a Triple-A game development Studio Headquartered in New York City, New York, United States of America. Despite being headquartered in one of the most expensive cities in the USA, they appear to be lacking in terms of a QA department. There are a multitude of deficiencies in the game itself, but you'll only really experience them if you can get into the game.
Over the course of my ownership and playing of the game, there have been multiple occasions where RGS have been fundamentally unable to allow me to play the game that I paid for. I have had to re-log into their launcher multiple times to reaffirm that the game I own is owned by me; however, when I resolve that issue, I often have to spend an hour or two validating the game files because of some cryptic error that does not permit me to actually play the game. Curiously, the error does not prevent me from interacting with the main menu.
If you want a good laugh, read their changelogs over the years, specifically looking at what bugs and crashes have been fixed. It turns out, there was a time where interacting with a HORSE could crash your game. Don't forget the high saturation of modders and cheats who rumble across the West just ruin your fun in the most boring ways possible.

I enjoy playing the game, but that is because I play it with friends who can share in my misery over the abusive relationship RGS has locked me into with this game. "Masterpiece" starts and stops at their single-player campaign, Red Dead Online is the pile of garbage inside the art exhibit that accidentally catches everyone's attention and awe.

If you can convince some friends to buy the game (or even the specific access to RDO), then you might find some enjoyment in it. But, if you're buying this game for both single-player and RDO, don't; spend your money on a company that actually deserves it and a game that is not abandonware that rides on its aesthetics.
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