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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.1 hrs on record
Posted: 1 Mar, 2018 @ 3:32pm

I bought this with a great dela og hope, as I was playing Winds of Trade and had heard this described as a more complicated, in depth, version of that, with pirates and naval combat.

That is technically true.

Howeverr, the combat is janky, whereby you can allocate 3 ships per convoy as your battleships (why not the whole convoy?) but you get to control precisely ONE ship in combat. You can switch between which ship you control.

It's the opposite of satisfying, leaving me not just as hungry as I was before, but seemingly managing to take away food I already had, if you can understand the laboured anbalogy.

Basically, it's not very good.

Plus the UI is not very user friendly. Why can't I just drag and drop my ships to form/merge a convoy, instead of having to click on ship/convoy, then click the harbour master to open up a menu to slide a free ship from left to right, then close menu, then select convoy and do my thing.

If I want to combine convoys I have to disband a convoy then do the above... :s

Then I click a button to be taken to a static strategic view, where they've managed to make the caribbean somehow boring.

So now I have 2 or more convoys, or even one, and am busy looking at one part of the map, and I want to locate my convoy. I can;t find it. There's no button to "go to convoy."

The worst part of this is I got it in a bundle (with Patrician 4) and it's the only game that even runs.

Or wait, maybe the story is even worse...

On GOOD thing - automating trade routes is easy.

man, I adore trading games. I adore pirate games. I even adore city building games.

Port Royale 3 has elements of all of those and at times it almost comes close to being enjoyable, but after 15 or so hrs, I am giving up on it.

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