--» /χ/g !|\| /๓/ ђ!gђ
Partho das   Madhyamgram, West Bengal, India
I've been walked on, used and forgotten and I don't regret one moment of it because in those moments, I've learned a lot. I've learned who I can trust and can't. I've learned the meaning of <3luv . I've learned how to tell when people are lying and when they're sincere. I've learned how to be a teenager, and how to grow up when I need to. I've been to hell and back a few times, and I won't ever take what I have for granted. This is life, live it one day at a time. You never know how many days you've got left.

Favorite Quotes

Take time to work, it is the price of success. Take time to think, it is the source of power. Take time to play, it is the secret of perpetual youth. Take time to read, it is the foundation of wisdom. Take time to be friendly, it is the road to happiness.

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Take time to dream, it is hitching your wagon to a star. Take time to love & be loved, it is the privilege of the gods. Take time to look around, it is too short a day to be selfish. Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. ________________________________¶1¶1111111¶_______ ________¶¶111¶_______________¶¶¶¶111111111¶¶¶1____ _____¶1¶¶¶¶¶111111¶_________¶¶¶1¶¶¶11111111¶1¶¶___ ___¶¶¶1¶1111111111¶¶1______¶¶1¶¶¶1111111111111¶¶¶_ __¶¶1¶¶1111111111111¶¶_____¶¶¶1¶¶¶¶1111111111111¶_ __¶¶_¶1111111111111111¶¶___¶¶¶¶¶¶11¶111111111111¶_ _11_¶11111111111111111¶¶_____¶¶¶¶__¶111111111111¶¶ ¶¶¶¶1111111111111111¶¶¶¶_____1¶¶__11111111111111¶¶ ¶¶¶¶11111111111¶¶¶¶¶¶¶______1¶1¶¶11111111111111¶1_ ¶¶1¶1111111111111¶¶¶¶¶¶_____¶¶¶¶¶¶1111111111111¶¶_ ¶¶11111111111111111111111¶¶___¶¶¶¶¶¶1111111111¶¶¶_ _1¶111111111111111111¶¶¶¶¶¶____¶¶¶¶11111111111¶1__ __¶¶11111111111111111¶¶¶_____¶¶¶1111111111111¶1___ ___¶¶¶111111111111¶1¶¶¶____1¶¶111¶1111111¶11¶1____ ____1¶¶¶11111111111¶¶¶¶111¶¶¶¶111111111¶11¶¶¶_____ ______¶¶¶¶1111111111111¶¶¶¶1¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶11¶11¶¶_______ _______¶¶¶¶¶11111111111¶111¶___¶¶¶111¶1¶¶¶________ _________¶¶¶¶¶¶111111111111¶__¶¶¶111¶¶¶1__________ ____________1¶¶¶¶¶11111111¶¶_¶¶¶¶111¶¶____________ ______________¶¶¶¶¶¶¶1111111_¶¶¶11¶¶1_____________ _________________1¶¶¶¶¶¶1111¶¶¶1¶¶¶¶______________ ____________________¶¶¶¶¶¶1¶¶¶¶¶1¶________________ _______________________¶1¶¶¶1¶¶¶__________________ ___________________________11¶____________________ —/\— Ashes to Ashes —\/— Dust to Dust —[]— Life is too short —[]— So Party we Must! -/\[]/\- ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ -\.[]./- -/….\- -\_._/- ◄◄Rewind the Memories ►►FastFoward the Drama ►Play the GoodTimes ▌▌Pause the Moments █ Stop right There (̅_̅_̅_̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅_̅()ڪے~~~~

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--» /χ/g !|\| /๓/ ђ!gђ 9 Jul, 2013 @ 10:55am 
mml ?
BecoN 9 Jul, 2013 @ 5:15am