Bruce Allen   Denver, Colorado, United States
I was born at a very early age.
I enjoy wine, woman and song.
I can sing, dance and play the guitar behind my head.

Greaseman [][/url
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claudevms 19 Oct @ 9:17am 
I left playing games video in 2007 for doing Molecular Dynamics simulations. I recommend it!!!
claudevms 17 Feb, 2011 @ 1:20pm 
I suggest to all game developers to start adding Bill O'Reilly to video games. Leiberman would be a good character to add as well. Imagine these new characters wondering around in the game whining about what you are doing. Imagine doing the unthinkable in games like the SIMS and these characters are there to go nuts. Imagine posting the Youtube video of their heads exploding. Imagine these guys going nuts on TV for being put in a video game.