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Posted: 3 Nov @ 6:32am
Updated: 3 Nov @ 6:37am

It seems like they built a bunch of ideas and concepts first, that are all very cool and work great, but then when they had to turn it into an actual balanced game with quests and goals they kind of ran out of steam and phoned it in.

You can build automated bases that extract and sell resources, and build automated turrets to defend these bases, but there's not much point because once you travel far away enough from them, they stop functioning to save CPU.

You can craft parts, but it's so easy to just max out your XP with a faction and buy the parts with money rather than craft, which is a shame because the automated factory conveyor belts and storage silos work so well.

The quests are very bland and repetitive. Some of them are special hand-crafted ones but they are few. Most are automatically generated and have you doing the same 3 things over and over again.

There are so many different blocks and parts in the game that allow you to build a wide variety of vehicles, but the quests don't really utilize these possibilities. There are tons of different airplane parts but there's only one single quest in the game that requires you to be a plane, and zero quests that have you fighting against planes.

The balancing also feels off. It was very easy to stumble upon a completely OP weapon and then use it to just steamroll any enemies you come across.

There's a faction that lets you scrap blocks and turn them into other types of blocks, but again, just buying blocks is so easy that there's no reason to bother.

A lot of squandered opportunity here. When it comes to these "lego vehicle" games, I enjoyed Trailmakers much more, and thought it did a better job of forcing you to utilize the different blocks and vehicle types in order to achieve your goals.
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