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Not Recommended
129.0 hrs last two weeks / 129.0 hrs on record (30.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Nov @ 12:43am
Updated: 8 Nov @ 7:11pm

Early Access Review
If you don't mind OSRS's way of grinding, you won't mind this. It could get pretty fun once there is more PvM type instances like raids perhaps and PvP could get interesting if they really wanted to make something out of it. It's very early in development it seems.. Very bare bones in terms of variety of things to do other than chores over and over it would seem at the moment, especially when working towards quest requirements.

The combat does need more flavour, or something. It's pretty bland as it stands but I do enjoy the automatic HP reset out of combat, no downtime is nice to keep you interactive and playing.

The gear is kind of lame in the way that you need to start over basically when you start a new episode and it takes a lot out of the enjoyment i've been having when I need to switch gear whenever I want to do something in another zone and keeping track of all your individual good pieces VS the crap in your bank.

All in all I would suggest you DO NOT play it right now. Wait 3-5 years for something good to be made first.. r just give up on Andrew because the only good games he ever made, weren't actually great until someone else came and took it over to make it fun (Basically all OSRS)

I've personally got to the 3rd episode and i've unlocked the storage spots with the new spell, it's worth doing and getting it out of the way early! your other grinds will be so much easier!

Edit: No nothing gets easier, it's going to be the exact same thing you see from the moment you get in the world, it will be that, times 500 levels with no variety. It's absolutely the laziest game design i've seen in well over a decade. Even indie games made by 1 person with no experience would make a better game than this. Save yourself 5 bucks and skip this game, potentially forever. Andrew needs to redeem himself PDQ because this isn't even ready for alpha launch, there's nothing to do. I've done 5 quests and i've unlocked the entire game. Imagine.
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WibblyWobbly 8 Nov @ 7:06pm 
Edit: Changed to Not Recommended because the game is fundamentally broken. The Episode things is the most retarded mechanic i've ever seen implemented into a game before. I'm infernal max in OSRS and that would be a walk in the park compared to this games use of recycling the same mob and area 500 times over because he cannot make a good game form the get go, he needs 10 years of player feedback before anything decent will come of this heaping pile of :helpfulalien: