Ultra Ego 27.4.2023 klo 0.51 
Fat piece of ♥♥♥♥, congrats on playing D2 like you have zero brainpower.
Cryingforever 5.1.2022 klo 19.58 
+rep is a human, very human, rating given by a fellow human who is also very human
BlueBEHRry 8.2.2021 klo 23.28 
Khaine 13.1.2021 klo 11.41 
akimbo 14.11.2020 klo 17.31 
you are really really bad
Verlet™ 7.11.2020 klo 22.11 
Dota is still trash :Heartyou:
Cryingforever 15.1.2020 klo 19.31 
Verlet™ 3.6.2019 klo 16.42 
Dota is trash, League is better
Khaine 24.12.2018 klo 13.51 
Glip Glop Hunter 3.7.2018 klo 17.11 
Damn , you're pretty ♥♥♥♥ at this game aren't you Kek
BQ 15.2.2018 klo 22.01 
ZoahX 6.2.2018 klo 20.32 
Too slow, weak pyromancies
Zekalga 6.2.2018 klo 20.02 
Owl 6.2.2018 klo 19.53 
Keep working on your Pyromancy. Watch your spacing, don't rely on Black Serpant.
Zekalga 22.1.2018 klo 19.44 
Sry dude
Ethan 22.1.2018 klo 19.43 
i was gonna heal you :(
Neptuniea 22.1.2018 klo 12.13 
+rep Such a friendly player, and a gud lad
Khaine 21.12.2017 klo 17.05 
Spams L2 and kills me with an arm 10/10 would gank again
Hellion 15.12.2017 klo 16.35 
im sorry i killed that host earlier
Dreklin 9.12.2017 klo 15.29 
get a cannon legend since they are more enjoyible then most
Khaine 4.11.2017 klo 11.17 
And the Lord spake, saying, First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out! Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.
cridus 12.10.2017 klo 13.49 
you shot me with the millwood greatbow right before I finished the host... and then you tried to kill me.
just why.
smonk 3.9.2017 klo 20.30 
Slap slap slap, clap clap clap
Khaine 21.7.2017 klo 13.50 
Wanna hear a joke?

Poise working as intended...
Snewel 25.1.2016 klo 10.03 
+rep very good and fast trader :)
почти 5.1.2016 klo 17.05 
+rep fast trader
Uplift Spice 5.12.2015 klo 19.39 
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄ SPOOKY SKELETON
LANCER 29.10.2015 klo 19.25 
the best steamer ever only scamed me 5 times

Zekalga 17.6.2015 klo 21.43 
First gg