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24.7 hrs last two weeks / 24.7 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Nov @ 4:01pm
Updated: 13 Nov @ 2:19am

The game itself is actually good as always. Yes, if you played FS22 then this doesn't feel like a huge upgrade but more like a yearly FIFA update. Although there's a lot of new fruit, graphical improvements and other small things that make the game better. And you can always wait for mods that will do the rest.

Even though I recommend the game, my biggest issue with it is the terrible performance and tons of visual glitches. I can barely keep a stable 60fps on whatever settings with a 3070 that should still handle a game like this easily. Then there's the absurdly low LOD. Every now and then a black rectangle appears for a millisecond which gets super annoying. The new "realistic" movement also makes it feel like you're running on ice. There are soooo many bigger rocks that you can just run through without collision. Floating assets all over the world. Front windows in tractors that glitch through the cabin. The list goes on.
I expect more from such a prestigious franchise. And we all know that Giants is not a big fan of patches after release, to fix or actually improve the game further. They instead just throw more and more DLCs at us. So my hope is quite low that any of this gets fixed.

BUT, just from a gameplay viewpoint, I do indeed recommend it and if you've never played any FS title, then you will probably enjoy this. Sometimes you have to view such franchises from a "new player" perspective. Ofc they wont reinvent the genre every 2-3 years. It's a farming sim. There's only so much you can do.
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