MechWarrior Online

MechWarrior Online

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Shade 23 Dec, 2024 @ 7:47am
Do Thunderbolts need a buff?
I only just got around to trying out thunderbolts and wasn't too impressed.
I was hoping for a more aggressive mid range LRM but what I got was something that gets almost if not completely nullified by a single AMS, I've tried hanging back and using them like LRMs but that just gives them more time to be shot down by AMS or for you to lose the lock.

I've also tried using them more aggressively and trying to use them more like lock on ACs but that just ends with light mechs getting into my face and ripping me apart.

Either I'm missing something about them or they really suck and aren't worth using over LRMs
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
spartanspud 23 Dec, 2024 @ 7:59am 
A single AMS most likely can't deal with thunderbolts unless you're using a single tbolt5. They also deal pinpoint damage and tend to cluster towards the CT better than LRMs. I am more inclined to us them than LRMs generally.
Fastspectre 23 Dec, 2024 @ 7:14pm 
no, maybe lockon time dmg wise and rof wise NO
lrm's might need one to lockon time
(BTW lrm's are really bad) way to much cover and ecm an dway to long lockon time even with maxed out skills an dyou lose lock to easy when you have to look away from the target even with max target decay skills...
so lrm's are bad for their purpose, you hav eto brawl with them nowaydays to get any dmg out of em
salamatmahal 24 Dec, 2024 @ 7:10am 
Personal opinion: With very few exceptions that I won't go into right now, lock-on weapons are a trap for low-tier players. They function ok when the opponent puts their mech in the wrong place, has the wrong skill nodes, and don't make use of cover.

This is maybe fine in T5 matches and you can experience great success against slow mechs in the open.

In most T1 matches, lock-on weapons are simply awful.

This can lead to a new player thinking they are doing great and then hitting a brick wall with their face when they get to higher tiers.
de.lorca 24 Dec, 2024 @ 9:40am 
Originally posted by salamatmahal:
Personal opinion: With very few exceptions that I won't go into right now, lock-on weapons are a trap for low-tier players. They function ok when the opponent puts their mech in the wrong place, has the wrong skill nodes, and don't make use of cover.

This is maybe fine in T5 matches and you can experience great success against slow mechs in the open.

In most T1 matches, lock-on weapons are simply awful.

This can lead to a new player thinking they are doing great and then hitting a brick wall with their face when they get to higher tiers.
yeah but they are absolute cancer in a groupe if your spotter knows what he is doing
salamatmahal 24 Dec, 2024 @ 10:04am 
Yes, just about anything can be completely OP with teamwork:)
Bojik 29 Dec, 2024 @ 2:56am 
NO they need a nerf magical targeting on them always hit weak spot
They're in a pretty good place right now. I wouldn't say they need any adjustment.
tbh they should TT-ify them
1 missile per launcher each for the same damage
dedicated ammo per class
WAY more missile health; these are more akin to guided ballistics than LRMs

the thunderbolt's entire purpose is to be a Big Missile, and at the moment they fail at that
they feel right currently. personally i dont "boat" with them. i use them on mechs as supplementary source of damage (being able to indirect fire around obstacles) and have a lot of fun with them. their performance in terms of pure numbers is kinda mid but theyr great at knocking off components and criting weapons and such. idk people who make their entire build around them may feel different.
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