Tiny Glade
Wall height.
My map generated a wall part that is higher on one side than the other. And I can't recreate such a wall.
How do I do that?
Edit: I found it out: The terrain was sloped (into a lake) and the wall was hugging the edge and wasthen going into the lake. Making it seem as if one side was higher.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ~* BiZZ Keryear *~; jan. 3., 13:31
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
cut the wall into smaller pieces and adjust the hight of each differently. thats also how the wall thats premade should have been. you can delete or edit the prebuild pieces and find out for yourself how its done.
To check how it was done, you can ctrl+z on every generated map to see the process :)
Private117 eredeti hozzászólása:
cut the wall into smaller pieces and adjust the hight of each differently. thats also how the wall thats premade should have been. you can delete or edit the prebuild pieces and find out for yourself how its done.
It's one piece, tho
can you show a screenshot of it. because this is not somethign that exists. so maybe its something entirely different. without seeing it its hard to figure out.

But yeah as Sporeczek said, you can also press Z to undo it and X to Redo it (no need for pressing ctrl, thats not a thing in this game) and see how Ana build it. maybe this clears stuff up.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Private117; jan. 3., 13:25
Sporeczek eredeti hozzászólása:
To check how it was done, you can ctrl+z on every generated map to see the process :)

Was wondering why ctrl + z did nothing. It's ctrl + y on my layout.
Ja deutsches Keyboard halt. Trotzdem musst du nicht strg drücken. Einfach nur x und y
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