(OLD) Happy Little cultists.
즐겨찾기 해제
"This is already too old, so much that some captures can no longer be seen. (within this description)

1.Why the name of "Happy Little Cultists."?
A:Because he was looking at the Wiki of Bob Ross. and almost all of his paintings puts them those names.
1/2.You used "TEdit" to move to the cultists to your House
A:My map is a complete survival, It was not difficult to break across the entrance to the Dungeon.
1/3.Can I download your map?
No, because it would be send to hell 1000 HRS of game.
2.How do I make those pillars?
A:I wrote this guide, because it is not the first time that ask me how to make these pillars:
How To Make Pillars (24/6/16 Update Guide)
3.do you plan to write a guide of how you build?
I do not know English and not I would like to make it, BECAUSE IT WOULD BE A VERY VERY VERY LONG GUIDE.
4.Can I send you a "friendship request"?
A:No, because they always bother me (don't stop asking me or send me game invitations),
"But you are my only friend with which I can play". There are millions of steam users who want to play with someone. I ALWAYS WANT TO PLAY ALONE
Thank you for reading and understanding. <3

(Currently the world was eliminated)

-Thanks for your support ♥ !"
댓글 44
swag 2021년 6월 4일 오전 9시 07분 
big gamer swag m8, liked this one. chief 👉😁👈
ADiu 2017년 11월 26일 오전 5시 59분 
LandryOnPC 2017년 11월 8일 오후 7시 47분 
wait..... Where are you in the picture....?
Ormuz 2017년 1월 4일 오전 2시 24분 
Hiarni 2016년 11월 10일 오전 12시 51분 
Still one of the best :BUDlove::PewDiePieBrofist:
The Pencil Cunts 2016년 7월 3일 오후 5시 47분 
they stand there all day with no true home,im proud of you for giving them one
Sleepy Creeper 2016년 7월 1일 오전 2시 42분 
how did u do dat?!?!?. thats cool!!
_hitsuji418  [작성자] 2016년 6월 27일 오후 2시 27분 
>Kooa Konkretne Kosteczki
Lol, I thought the same thing, but not turned out to be so. (Obviously there should be no solid blocks that interrupt his appearance)
Jethro17HD 2016년 6월 27일 오후 1시 23분 
awesome :0
Konkretne Kosteczki 2016년 6월 27일 오후 1시 20분 
doesn;t it affect cultists spawn? i feel like 75% of the time they would simply not spawn