Medieval Engineers

Medieval Engineers

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Đánh dấu không tương thích ]  LOTR Edoras
Tạo bởi ☕Skeptical Genie☕
info/notes Edoras from the Lord of the Rings. ______________________________ - Structural integrity on - Night compatible - Every house is complete with light and furnitures ______________________________ Bug/Glitch for me, the roof of the houses is black ...
Đánh dấu không tương thích ]  LOTR Minas Tirith - EXPLORATION PURPOSE ONLY -
Tạo bởi ☕Skeptical Genie☕
info/notes Hello there, i've made this minas tirith map. I apologize for all these updates, it's just because the game seems to like to fuck up my thumbnail everytime. It's not rounded like the original because i don't like the "zig zag" effect on the wall...
Dragon Guild Dan2D3D's World
Tạo bởi Dan2D3D
Dragon Guild 🎃 Halloween Edition - ☠ 0.5 only - The Kingdom of Fareon / Regoin (D, 3) / Area (I. 4) FARMING UPDATE DONE Hi Medieval Engineers! This is the Dragon guild from the KSWH Live Stream on Twitch that I've rebuild to share with all of you. It's a n...