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No Nut November Survival Guide
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No Nut November Survival Guide
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So, you’re participating in No Nut November. For some people, it’s just another normal month, for others, it’s a challenge and a slog to reach the finish line. Whatever reason you’re here for, if you’re new and want some advice, someone who failed previous years and wants to see where they went wrong, or a vet looking for some new ideas, here is a guide and collection of tips I’ve learned from participating in this yearly tradition.
The Rules:
The Rules:
Some people seem to be confused on the rules of NNN, so I figured I’d reiterate them here.

1: Don’t nut. Simple.

2: Nut passes don’t exist. The name isn’t “No Nut Except For That One Time November”. It’s No Nut November. Three strikes don’t count either, nor does birthday exemptions. You get one shot.

3: Wet dreams are a-okay. Rule of thumb is this: If choices you made resulted in a nut, you’re out. Waking up with spooge in your jorts doesn’t disqualify you.

4: Masturbation, sex, any of that is allowed, but if you nut, that’s it, you’re out. Precum doesn’t count.

5: If you’re out, you’re out. No reason to lie and say you’re in just to get a flair. Don’t lie about your status, if you get out, say you’re out, and be the bigger man.

If I forgot anything, let me know, but these are the rules as I understand them.
Progression Through the Days:
Progression Through the Days:
Here I’ll be breaking down the progression of the month and how you should roughly expect this to play out. However, most of this is completely subjective, so take that as you will.

Days 1-8: The opening week of NNN is always the nuttiest. People who joined for the meme and didn’t have any real intention of following through will typically drop out here. Most of the roll calls will have massive drops in number, so it’s important to not get discouraged and focus on what lies ahead. For getting through this week, mostly try and preoccupy yourself and try to get used to not having your hands downstairs. This is what I would call the adjustment week, and it’s important to set a good tempo here to help carry you through the rest of the month. You’ll probably feel urges of varying degrees throughout the week, and with how far away December 1st feels, you might be tempted to give in. Look to your cumrades for strength, enjoy how lively the challenge is right now, and keep in good spirits.

Days 9-15: Welcome to the thick of it. This is where the going gets rough. For a decent handful of you, this may be the longest you’ve gone without nutting in years, so expect to feel random, strong urges as your body tries and figures out why you aren’t wanking the ol willy. The biggest goal for this week is taking it a day at a time and getting over this hump. Looking at the data from last year, the end of this week is where the number of people dropping out slows down, so if you can clear it, you should be in for an easier ride. You will be feeling the side effects of the challenge by this point, so take what you learned in week one, keep your hands out of your drawers, and solider on. Clearing this week means you’re halfway there, so now is not the time to lose sight of the end goal.

Days 16-22: We’re nearing the final stretch now. If last year’s data is anything to go by, more than half of the people who started have dropped out. If you’re still here, congratulations. More work is ahead of you, but you’re almost on your way to victory. Same as the week prior but to a lesser effect, by this point you should be familiar to the urges and better know how to handle them. Of course, it’s still been quite a while since you last busted, so it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Keep moving forward, you’re nearing the end.

Days 23-30: Here it is, the final week. By now, you’ve been through the worst of it. As you near December 1st, it’s important not to drop your guard. Losing the challenge here is one of the most depressing things you can do (especially on the 30th) so remain vigilant, enjoy your time with the cumrades for the last week, and be prepared to bask in the glory of the big nut.
Fighting the Urges and Keeping Your Sack Packed:
Fighting the Urges and Keeping Your Sack Packed:

Here is the hardest part of the whole challenge: fighting the urges and habits. For the last however many years, you’ve been building habits, knowingly or not, and this is, in my opinion, the hardest part of NNN. Much like quitting smoking and drinking is both a chemical dependency and a habit dependency, so is abstaining from nutting. The dopamine hits and the ritual are things your body expects by now, so breaking those habits is a big part of NNN. Some people will carry this through November and into a more no fap life, but regardless of what you’re doing December 1st, here are some ways to fight the urges and keep your nut safely stored for a white December.

The Exercise Route: One of the most common forms of fighting the urges is exercise. No doubt you’ve seen people say to do a push up or five every time you get the urge, and this is honestly a really good way of keeping yourself in check and giving your body a boost as you do. The concentration of exercise will help distract you from any thoughts you have, and the physical effort will make it harder to maintain a stiffy. If you’ve ever wanted to get into running or lifting, now is the time, as it’s rewarding physically, mentally, and it’ll keep you in the game for longer.

Unleashing Your Inner Creative Another common way to distract yourself is to get creative. Writing, doing artwork, making music, anything creative, is a great way to not only improve or learn an art form, but to give you something to do when your cannon wants to fire a few rounds. Some people do daily challenges, we all know and love the guy who draws himself cooler every day, and sharing this creativity is a fantastic way to engage with the community. Hell, you might even write a guide to get your mind off things and try to help out some fellow cumrades while you’re at it. Which is what this is.

Read: That’s it. Read a book. Read a news article. Read conspiracy theories. Read some long as Reddit post. Go down a Wikipedia rabbit hole and come out learning about the moving sofa problem. Reading is always good, so do that at some point. That’s it.

The Lock down Special: Crack open that steam library (or game pass), look at all those games you bought on sale, pick one and go to town. Much like exercise but in a different way, video games are a fantastic method to distract your brain and your hands by focusing on something stimulating. Videos and movies are also a great way to distract you pretty easily. Basically, treat it like you’re back in lock down, minus the copious amounts of jacking off. Hats off to you DiamondNoNutters of 2020, you guys are heroes.

Learning Uselessly Useful Skills: Pick a skill or two you’d like to learn and devote some time this month to learning it. Lock picking is rewarding to learn, so are miscellaneous things like juggling, balancing things on your chin, spinning pencils, throwing cards, any random skill that, even though it may have no practical value, is nonetheless something fun to learn and chip away at whenever you have an urge.

Strength In Numbers: Not everything you do has to be solo. Getting together with some friends or talking to fellow cumrades is always a pleasure, and nothing is more uplifting in this month than meeting people going through the same trials as you.

Over stimulation: WARNING: USING THIS METHOD MAY CAUSE YOU TO FAIL. ATTEMPT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Okay, chips are down. You’ve tried the rest, nothing is working, what do you do? Well, it’s time to crack open the homework folder, under one condition. LOOK, DON’T TOUCH. The idea behind this method is to essentially give you half the experience, like a smoker switching to nicotine pouches. By getting the chemical and avoiding the motion, you’re breaking the habit slowly instead of going cold turkey. Watching porn or looking at pictures, I’ve heard both work, the biggest caveat is you can’t touch your tom. While I don’t recommend this because it might lead to edging (which we’ll talk about next) I’ve heard from some people that this is a solution to the urges, although for people looking to break porn addictions, I don’t recommend it. Take this as you will, if you’re going this route, you need to be strong, and remember the name of the game. No nuts.
Edging: The Forbidden Technique, or The One-Way Ticket Out?
Edging: The Forbidden Technique, or The One-Way Ticket Out?
Time to discuss the age old question of NNN: Should I edge? The answer, simply, is ABSOLUTELY NOT. So many people have vouched this before, and it’s time to add my voice to the chorus. But before we talk about why this is a surefire way of getting yourself eliminated, let’s discuss what it is and why you’d do it.

The idea behind edging is to do as you normally would, but all you need to do is not finish. Simple, right? By getting the satisfaction of polishing the spear, you're sure to quell the urges. This line of thinking has lead a lot of poor soldiers down the path of failure, so don’t be one of them.

The problem with edging is twofold. One, you’re giving into your urges. This means you’re more likely to, at the critical moment, decide to forsake the challenge for the release, which leads to the regret. Look at any “I edged and I failed” post and you’ll feel the regret full force. The second issue is the fact you’ve been holding back on stroking the turkey. For some people, not masturbating for periods of time makes them more sensitive, thus, you might go in thinking you know your signs and when to stop, only to find you did a few pumps and now you’re out.

Any way you cut it, edging is riding the line between glory and failure, and most people fly too close to the sun. Much like the Over stimulation method, engaging with edging is horrible idea during NNN, and it’s highly recommended by fallen soldiers and vets alike to not push your luck.
Honorable Discharge:
Honorable Discharge:
Here’s where we talk about failing, but failing honorably. Some people have brought this up, and it’s important to know. NNN is a fun meme, a good challenge, and nothing to take too seriously. If you have a girlfriend, wife, or anything else of the sort, don’t ignore them just for the sake of some internet cred. If the time arises, it’s okay to fail, and be rewarded with a honorable discharge. The same goes for physical issues as well. Last year I delt with health concerns, and not nutting didn’t help matters, so don’t suffer greatly for this. Take your loss with your chin up, if you need to fail, it’s fine. There’s always next year.

In a similar vein, if you do fail for any reason, there’s nothing stopping you from being a fallen brother in arms and still trying to abstain from nutting. If you want, try to not nut until the end of November, even if you failed. Participate from the sidelines if you want, or make memes about the reason you failed. NNN is about cumradery, so enjoy the month while it lasts, even if you won’t be walking home with the diamond.
Wrapping Up:
Wrapping Up:
There you have it, everything I could think of to put in a comprehensive guide on No Nut November. If I missed anything or you have something to add, please be sure to let me know and I’ll update the guide as the month progresses. I wanted to do something fun for the community besides ♥♥♥♥ posting, so I figured an essay would do just fine. If you read all of it, thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed the guide.
2 Yorum
Varley 6 Kas @ 13:50 
I'mma be honest with you.
Easiest way to win NNN is to just go on VRchat and look at people.
JadeXO 4 Kas @ 20:45 
Another super helpful guide by Caboose! Rejoice!!!