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Rettakeissu's 1500 objects+ maps
name says it itself. Actually there are an average of 10 thousand objects, but one map that I really wanted to add here has only 1500 objects. My record: 77k objects at "Poland from War Thunder" map.
Föremål (9)
Night Fight 2077
Skapad av RettoKeissu
I love two things: playing Cyberpunk and creating maps in Ravenfield, so I decided to combine the pleasant with the liquid (in other language it sounds better) and this was born. I ported a location from Cyberpunk 2077 to Ravenfield. Try to find at least o...
Fight In Your House
Skapad av RettoKeissu
So I decided to recreate my gaming table in the world of ravenfield. I suppose you may think that my map is a little out of line with reality, but this is not true. I make 100% detailed maps. there will be no proof. There are about 1500 objects here. 5 cap...
Sea Requiem (map)
Skapad av RettoKeissu
A battle of ships that broke out once a long time ago and which lasts so long that bridges were laid between the galleons and soldiers even got fancy modern guns. Do you think medieval galleons are too old for modern warfare? Then take a look at these bull...
Pasloe village
Skapad av RettoKeissu
I recreated Pasloe village using all the references it have from 1 episode of 1 old season of "Spice and wolf" anime. its a big map with a village where the central battles take place, and 2 branches to the river and the northern fields. All points except ...
Karelia from War Thunder
Skapad av RettoKeissu
A humble attempt to recreate map Karelia from War thunder game. I checked there is no much War thunder map replicas at Ravenfield workshop sadly. Playing a game with a map of another game is really fun as you see different gameplay at nearly same condition...
Sinai from War Thunder
Skapad av RettoKeissu
Hello So it is certainly Sinai map from War Thunder game. Art of sands I tried to achieve. Its a pretty fun map considering amount of vehicles. The map is also is sands so it feels like a sandbox for me. The houses placed not exactly like at original map b...
Advance to the Rhine from War Thunder
Skapad av RettoKeissu
Yea that was done with in-game map editor. rough 100% copy of map called "Advance to the Rhine" from the War Thunder game. 25k objects, guys, so dont mind it load a bit longer. Also its my record. While i was making it i became so known in town infrastruct...
Sands of Sinai from War Thunder
Skapad av RettoKeissu
Hi So its another episode of "yeah, this was made in dull in-game map editor"... Small differences from original map Ok so basically I reworked the points up. "C" point of a village divided into three small points for close infantry combat. Same with most ...
Poland from War Thunder
Skapad av RettoKeissu
"infantry edition" version of the map: https://node2.projectplanet.cn/@steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3390850650 Optimisation THIS. WARNING: if you dont have most powwerful pc in the world, consider setting low graphic settings because fps fall is real. at least w...
I 1 samling av RettoKeissu
Rettakeissu's sincere and serene maps
28 artiklar