Supreme Commander 2

Supreme Commander 2

144 ratings
Completist Achievement Guide
By (MM) :: redarrow
This guide is made for getting the "Completist" and "Knows it all" achievement.

Information from below guides have been merged for this.

I corrected both guides on any errors I could find. If something is still unclear, or could be described better, please let me know.
The purpose of this guide is to help you get the Completist achievement for Supreme Commander 2. There is a lot of false information floating around the web about this achievement, so I wanted to set the record straight.

The Completist achievement is obtained by completing all of the hidden mission objectives in the campaign. These are objectives that do not show up in your objective list, but will show up in the checklist at the end of the mission if you have completed them.
General Advice
  • Play the campaign on Easy mode when going for these achievements. If you really want a challenge, you don't have to do easy, but some of the objectives are very challenging, so just to make your life easier, I would highly suggest playing on easy.

  • At the end of each mission, make sure the objective shows up as complete in the completed objectives checklist. If it didn't, you didn't do it right. You MUST complete the mission for the objective to count towards the achievement.

  • The achievement will not show up until you save the game, so after you finish the last hidden objective, start the next mission and save the game to get the achievement.

  • You can check to see which objectives you have completed by looking at your games.pref file. To locate this file, you can do a search, or go to your application data folder.

    On XP, this folder is: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\ On Vista: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\ On Windows 7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\

    The file to look for is:
    <App data folder>\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander 2\games.prefs

    You can open this file with a text editor (e.g. notepad). The end of the file shows your progress in the campaign. Each mission will have a separate section which lists all of the completed objectives.
    It will look like this:
    completedObjectives = { '<LOC SCENARIO_0227>Sink or Swim', '<LOC SCENARIO_0231>Research Technology', '<LOC SCENARIO_0233>Blockhead', '<LOC SCENARIO_0229>Ripped to Shreds'
    Just look at each section to see if you have completed the hidden objectives for that mission. If they are not listed, you have not completed them. (This file is also good for checking on the progress of many of the other achievements.)

  • Sometimes Supreme Commander 2 will remove your game.pref file. This will cause the game to lose your single player progress data. If you have lost your data and would like to replay certain missions to the completist achievement, feel free to download the game.prefs HERE[] to unlock all missions.
    NOTE: First backup your own pref-file and make sure you change the username and steam ID in the downloaded prefs file, with notepad, to the username and steam ID in your own pref file.
Hidden Objective Checklist
This is a quick reference guide to the objectives.

<-- UEF Campaign -->

Survive the initial wave of Cybran attackers without losing any units.
Economic Opportunist
Build at least two Mass Extractors in enemy territory.
Master of the Seas
Build an Atlantis II Experimental Aircraft Carrier.
Brutal Conqueror
Defeat Coleman without the aid of the Fatboys.
Build at least four Experimental units.
None Shall Pass!
Prevent any enemy King Kriptors from crossing the main fortress bridge.
Nuke King
Launch your first nuke.

<-- Illuminate Campaign -->

Prevent the blockade from taking more than 25% damage.
Master Tactician
Complete the operation by constructing fewer than 30 mobile units.
Agent Provocateur
Capture all of the Security Stations.
Not the Bees!
Take out the enemy air defenses.
Pro Anti-Air
Take out the prison's defensive structures.
Experimental Fanatic
Build at least eight Experimental units.
Supremest Commander
Acquire full veterency with your ACU.
A Czar is Born
Build your first Darkenoid.
Bot Lord
Complete the operation with an army made up entirely of Assault Bots.

<-- Cybran Campaign -->

Survival Expert
Survive Gauge's onslaught after the download completes.
Great Escapist
Complete the operation without a unit being captured by the enemy.
Master Thief
Capture a Rogue Engineer.
Cache and Carry
Collect all of the Technology Caches.
Sultan of Soul
Build at least four Soul Ripper Experimentals.
Master of the Deep
Build a Kraken Experimental Submarine.
Master of Pawns
Win the operation without the aid of any Experimentals.
Research Savant
Complete all available research.
UEF Campaign
Mission 1
This one isn't too difficult. You have to survive the initial attack without losing a unit. The attackers will primarily be focused on attacking buildings, and will ignore your units while doing so. I usually have my engineers build two point defense turrets at the south end, and send all of my combat units to the north. You can also use your ACU to attack the units, because he isn't likely to die. Once all of the attackers are dead, you will get notification the the objective being complete.

NOTE: This objective also has a corresponding achievement.

Mission 2
Economic Opportunist
This one is easy. Once you complete the early part of the mission and gain control of the ground forces, the map will open up and you will see three enemy mass extractors in the NW part of the map. Just send some units in to take down the buildings, then send your ACU in to build at least two mass extractors over the wreckage. You will get the achievement as soon as the second extractor is built.

Mission 3
Master of the Seas
Very easy: just build an Atlantis II Experimental Aircraft Carrier.

Mission 4
Brutal Conqueror
- Defeat Coleman without the aid of the Fatboys.
This one can be a bit tricky, but it isn't terribly hard.The key here is to immediately start cranking out gunships. You can send your bombers to take out the two initial fatboys, but keep your gunships handy until you get a sizable force built up, maybe 30 or 40, and send them directly in to kill the enemy commander. Put all of your research in to offense and defense boosts for the gunships. You will lose a lot of units in the attack, but it will end the mission very quickly.

Mission 5
Just set your experimental factory to crank out fatboys continuously, and have them guard your base until you have four.

Mission 6
None Shall Pass!
For this, you just need to take control of the middle landing section of the path to the fortress and put defensive structures and units there to keep the kriptors from passing while you build up your forces. The game suggests you research the unit cannon to be able to launch your units to the side areas, but I just researched experimental land units and went for a straight-up assault. I believe that there are three Kriptors in the fortress, but if you ignore the sides and go straight in, you should be able to kill them before they activate and move towards your base.

Nuke King
Just build a nuke and launch it. It doesn't necessarily have to actually be successful. The main pain here is that it takes a lot of research to get the nuke, then you have to build the nuke silo, then you have to build the nuke itself. I would suggest you concentrate on the None Shall Pass objective first, and once all of the Kriptors are down you can then take out enemy buildings while building a nuke. Just don't attack the main fortress until the nuke is complete so that your mission won't end prematurely.
Aeon Campaign
Mission 1
You probably got this on your first playthrough, but basically you need to protect the blockade. I normally park a bunch of long range and anti-air units on the cliffs, and put some assault units in the water in front of the blockade. Generally, the enemy ships will sink before getting anywhere close to the blockade. Also, remember to build up a sizable group of fighters in order to take out the experimental gunship.

Mission 2
Master Tactician
For this, you need to construct less than 30 mobile units. I did the mission without building any units at all, just to be safe. The key is to build a lot of point defense. I start off building four point defense towers on the east and west sides of the base at the bottom of the ramps, then four point defense towers at the north side of the base. Then you can use your initial force to slowly advance up the bridge, building point defense towers as you go. Keep your ACU with your force to build the towers and repair damaged units. Your missile launchers can take care of the enemy buildings from a long distance away. You just have to be patient and cautious. I completely ignored the eastern and western enemy bases for this achievement.

Mission 3
Agent Provocateur
This one can be very tricky to get because the objective states that you need to capture all of the security stations, but what it doesn't tell you is that you need to capture them pretty much at the same time. You start with one station already under your control. What you have to capture are the security stations on the northern and southern islands. As soon as you take down the shield on an island, some experimental gunships will attack (about four of them). You can count on losing any ground forces you send in, but that isn't too bad. Just take out all the enemy buildings then send in your fighters to kill the gunships. Once both islands are clear, send engineers to both islands at the same time. Once they are both parked near the security station, have them capture them both at the same time. One station will make the enemy air forces friendly, and the other will make some of the defense structures friendly. By capturing them both at once, you can do some real damage to the enemy base.

Not the Bees!
Capture the security station on the north-west island outpost.

pro anti air!
Capture the security station on the south-east island outpost.

Mission 4
Experimental Fanatic
This one is kind of a pain simply because your building area is very limited, and an experimental factory is large. Plus, it takes a while to build eight experimentals. I would suggest you wait until Gauge clears out the central area, then take it over. Build point defense to the east, and air defense to the north, then build the experimental gantry in the SW corner. Then just crank out eight Urchinows. You will need to protect them with fighters because the enemy gunships will focus on them. Have the completed ones wait on the eastern walkway while you are building the rest. Once you have all eight, you will get the objective, and you can use them to take out both enemy bases.

Mission 5
Supremest Commander
This objective is stated incorrectly in 99% of the guides. To get this, you need get your ACU to maximum veterency (rank 5). This isn't nearly as hard as it sounds. Just put all of your early research into ACU offensive and defensive upgrades, particularly the overcharge ability. Your ACU will probably gain one rank just from killing the air units that keep attacking. You can use the temple to teleport the ACU to the mesa to the west to take out all of the units there. Then, teleport him to the nearest two enemy platforms to take out the units there. The overcharge ability will make short work of the experimentals, and the other units go down easy as well. Once you clear out all three of these enemy areas, you should be rank 5. If not, just leave him there to take out enemy air patrols, or have him assist in the assault on the main base. If he gets badly damaged, either teleport him back to your base, or teleport an engineer over to heal him.

NOTE: This objective is NOT related to the Supremest Commander achievement.

Mission 6
NOTE: You cannot do both of these objectives in the same playthrough. You will
need complete this mission twice to get both objectives. I would suggest doing
the Bot Lord objective first, and save the game just before you win. After
you win, you can load this game and build a darkenoid to complete the other

A Czar is Born
Just build a darkenoid.

Bot Lord
(also an achievement): Complete the mission using only assault bots. You may build and use the following units and structures: Harvog assault bots, engineers, land factories, mass extractors, energy generators, research stations, mass converters, and rogue nanites. You may build any of the add-ons at your land factories. You may use your ACU offensively, but you may not eject. You may use the Electroshock ability. You may use the two Crahdow mobile anti-air guns that you start with. Building anything else will prevent you from earning the objective. I don't know whether you are allowed to capture any enemy units or structures.

NOTE: This objective also has a corresponding achievement.
Cybran Campaign
Mission 1
Survival Expert
This is easily the hardest objective. Expect to restart the mission several times until you get it right. In order to complete this objective, you must survive the three waves of experimental gunships that attack your base after the download completes. In order to do this, you will need your base to be so thick with anti-air defense that you can hardly move. My suggestion is to build about four point defense towers at each of the three approaches to the base, then spend everything else on air defense. This means a lot of overlapping shields and tons of anti-air towers. Build nothing but anti-air units in your ground factory, and nothing but fighters in your air factory. A second air factory can help, but metal will be very short early on, and you will need it for towers and shields. I also highly recommend several extra engineers to patrol the base to repair buildings and collect scrap metal. The first wave will have one Soulripper, which should go down easily. The second wave has about three soulrippers, and will do some major damage to your base. once it is arrives, start moving your ACU towards the SW area of your base. The third wave will have about four (I think) soulrippers, and will probably decimate most of your base before going down. Once the third wave is down, you should get the objective complete notification, and you can move your ACU down to the teleporter. You will get the notification around 25.30.

UNCONFIRMED: For the Survival Expert Achievement - make sure that you SAVE the brain data center (?) building. This building may be mission critical.

Mission 2
Great Escapist
This one is a pain. If the enemy engineers capture any unit of yours, including towers, you lose. The key here is to create a wall of point defense towers as quickly as possible. Also, put your ACU up front since he can't be captured. Only a few engineers attack at the beginning of the mission, so it is important to expand quickly early on. Build a line of point defense towers (about 8 or so) to kill off the waves of engineers, and keep your ACU in front of them. Also, make sure to build about four PD towers at the southern end of your base because engineers will attack from the south as well. Air units are particularly good at taking out the engineers since they can't be captured, but you have to be careful of all of the AA towers that are scattered around. A navy can also help take out the eastern side of the enemy base, but be sure that none of them gets captured along the way. When you get enough research, build a few Megaliths and use their long-range attacks to advance into the enemy base enough to get your ACU to the objective.

Master Thief
This one is fairly easy. Just send your ACU to capture the enemy engineer that starts out by himself to the north of your base.

Mission 3
Cache and Carry
You just need to destroy all of the technology caches. There are several scattered about the outside mesas, and one at the SE end of the enemy base. Just send in a few bombers or gunships to take them out, and make sure you get the objective complete notification before you complete the mission.

Mission 4
Sultan of Soul
You need to have at least four Soul Ripper Experimentals alive at the same time. This one is only difficult because of the enormous expense of these gunships. Once you have all four, just sit back and watch them rip through everything the enemy has.

Mission 5
Master of the Deep
Very easy. Just build a Kraken Experimental Submarine.

Mission 6
Master of Pawns
For this, you need to win the mission without building any experimentals. This includes experimental buildings. You can research experimentals if you like. (This precludes Research Savant, but it's easy enough to get if you save your game before taking out the last tower, then load it again and do the research.) What I suggest is building up a super-strong defensive position using your initial units, then building nothing but air units for attack. I built about four PD and AA towers at the right, left, and center areas of my base (past the mass extractors so they can be protected), and had overlapping shields protecting it all. Then, I had four air factories cranking out air units continuously - three making gunships, and one making fighters. Once you get a force of about 100 air units, you can easily complete the mission with it. The quick way is to have the air units take out all four towers, then attack Gauge directly. If you want to go for the Research Savant objective, then use the air units to first take out the east and west enemy bases, which will make things a bit easier for your defenders. Then take out three of the four shield towers and save. Complete the game, then load it again to go for the Research Savant objective.

NOTE: My usual strategy on this board was to capture the Megalith that attacks you at the start. Don't do this - it will fail the objective. You can't capture any experimentals when doing this objective.

Research Savant
For this, you just need a ton of research. If you follow my suggestion above, you will be in a good position to turtle until you complete all the research. Build three proto-brain complexes, and keep
the brains docked so they will produce the maximum research. Have all of your air units defend the central approach to your base. You should hit the 300 unit cap very quickly, and then it's just a waiting game to get enough points to research everything. Once the objective is complete, you can take out the fourth tower and then attack Gauge.
Bob of Mage 6 Apr, 2024 @ 7:44pm 
SamuelHans is correct, that the bots won't move until after you destroy one of the three targets. You just need to build some experimental artillery (they can hit from inside your base), nukes, or a headhunter squad like SamuelHans suggested.
(MM) :: redarrow  [author] 29 Jun, 2023 @ 5:54am 
Hi There,
If you've seen all the hidden achievements pop up every mission this should trigger the completist achievement. If this is not the case consult the community if more people have this issue. It's been almost 10 years since I've uploaded this guide.
GesturePTCG 29 Jun, 2023 @ 1:31am 
Hello, I have completed all these missions and the completionist achievement hadn´t pop up. WHat can I do?
Barlstreg 3 Sep, 2021 @ 5:50am 
Help for @Cybran :

Bot Lord:

Complete the mission with an army made up entirely of Assault Bots.

(Note: you may only build land factories(add-ons allowed), mass extractors, mass converters, energy generators, and research labs. Stand-alone Turrets, shields, etc will fail the objective.
SamuelHans 15 Jun, 2021 @ 5:02pm 
For the 'None Shall Pass!' achievement, found an alternative way to do this while playing on hard.

After you have the 3 structures to take out, just keep building your forces. Assemble a large number of experimental assault planes, and just pick them off. Provided you haven't destroyed any of the structures, they'll just stand there and you won't need to worry about a time limit.
Cybran 21 Dec, 2020 @ 11:34am 
Bot Lord
Build ONLY Bots - dont have Achievement (
It's a trap!™ 23 Sep, 2020 @ 3:34am 
Great guide, but would like to mention something... as reading your guide about Cybran mission 1..the description you provide is bit away from reality, thing is what you are describing is normal difficulty, but on easy difficulty, Soulrippers cant even break through line of air deffense. Meaning you only have to build around 30-40 AAs in L shape around the extractors supported with 3-4 shield generators, then you can just go afk until 25th min :D...good to mention that I only built like 10 AA mobile units which I set on patrol around the base along with 2 starting groups of units.

*PM for screenshot if you want :)

But at all thx for this guide! <3
(MM) :: redarrow  [author] 26 Dec, 2019 @ 1:39am 
did you change the STEAMID in the pref file? If it doesn't match yours it won't work.

NOTE: First backup your own pref-file and make sure you change the username and steam ID in the downloaded prefs file, with notepad, to the username and steam ID in your own pref file.
GPiX 25 Dec, 2019 @ 6:24pm 
Quick elaboration on my prev comment. The game doesn't like the new file but will run and reject it if I remove the version block at the top
GPiX 25 Dec, 2019 @ 6:16pm 
Thank you for reuploading the file! Unfortunately my game now instantly crashes on startup. Nothing pops up and gotta watch process explorer to see it run at all. I'm currently looking into the cause. If you know of any common issues i'd greatly appreciate the help