Supreme Commander 2

Supreme Commander 2

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how to change the unit cap for Supreme Commander 2
Da thedarlekmaster
This is a guide to changing the unit cap for Supreme Commander 2 when using windows 7, 8, & 10.
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Navigate to Supreme Commander 2\Game.prefs
Close Supreme Commander 2 exe if open.
01> open the start menu.
(or press super key(windows key) and r simultaneously. Then go step 03)
(or Add your account name in to this “C:\Users\<YourWindowsUserNameHere>\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander 2\” and paste it to a explore address bar. Then go step 06)

02> type "run" in to the search then press enter.(should not need to wait for results)

03> type "%LOCALAPPDATA%" in to run.

04> look for a folder named "Gas Powered Games" and open it.

05> look for a folder named "Supreme Commander 2" and open it.

06> open "Game.prefs". ( I recommended to open it in notepad ++ [] )

Find and change UnitCap = '500',
07> look for "UnitCap"
I recommended using the in file search box with the parameter "unitcap" to find what line the unit cap is on. Use Ctrl + F to open search box. As the line number the unit cap parameter is on changes depending on when the file was made, your other settings and progress thought the game.
The search function and file are character sensitive so when making changes or searching you need to the same string(set) of character as mentioned in the “” or the search function or game may not find what they are looking for.

08> change "UnitCap = '500', " to your new unit cap. For example "UnitCap = '1000', ".
09> save and close the file.

10> open the game to see if it worked
Please note: The AI does *not* make use of the increased unit cap as it is hard programmed to 500 units.

Please note: Increasing the unit cap above 1000 will result in the game auto-forcing the cap back to 500 on launch.

Please note: This only works for skirmish, and multiplayer. The campaign is scripted you cannot change the unit cap without rewriting the campaign.

Please note: If you wish to use a modified unit cap in a multiplayer skirmish, only the host needs to change their unit cap as all other players who take part in that game will have their unit cap change to match the hosts unit cap.

Please note: Increasing the unit cap may have a detrimental effect on game performance (Play speed) in long games (45+ minutes). (Speculation: As the game engine of the SupCom 1, AF & 2 only makes use of one CPU core to update unit status and position, so the more units on the map as a whole the longer this takes, thus the slower maximum play speed.)


Side Note: If you wish the game would draw the game at a unlisted resolution, you can try adding that resolution to the “primary_adapter” “states” list in the Game.prefs file. Just follow the same formatting as the other entries on the list. Then launch the game and see if the resolution you just added is in the appropriate dropdown in the game settings.
128 commenti
thedarlekmaster  [autore] 16 dic 2024, ore 14:46 
Did you try the windows compatibility troubleshooter?

In your steam Library, click on SupCom2 then the cog, then Manage then from the sub menu click Browse local files.
Open the Bin folder then alternative (right) click the SupremeCommander2.exe and click Troubleshoot compatibility from the menu or Properties then in the Compatibility click Run compatibility troubleshooter.
Then just run though the troubleshooter until it works for you or the troubleshooter stops trying then you can leave it for a bit, or try SupComFA. :eng::btd6salute::metal::planetsplode:
nb_stalkermex 15 dic 2024, ore 19:27 
se puede decir, que perdí un poco la esperanza de que pueda solucionar el problema yo mismo, si hay, algún vídeo que sea como tutorial de como solucionar este problema, aunque no este en mi idioma, seria pues un factor importante para poder solucionarlo, aunque quizás no por hoy.

It can be said that I have lost a little hope that I can solve the problem myself. If there is a video that acts as a tutorial on how to solve this problem, even if it is not in my language, it would be an important factor in being able to solve it. although maybe not for today.
nb_stalkermex 15 dic 2024, ore 19:23 
gracias por la información, la verdad, dudo que lo pueda hacer bien, aunque esta información la recordare para algún momento, tal vez, en algún momento alguien que conozca me pueda ayudar y con esta información tuya ayude mejor.
si hay algún vídeo que muestre tutorial de como solucionar el problema aunque no este en español, serviría aunque sea.

Thank you for the information, the truth is, I doubt that I can do it well, although I will remember this information at some point, perhaps, at some point someone I know can help me and with this information of yours it will help better.
If there is a video that shows a tutorial on how to solve the problem even if it is not in Spanish, it would still help.
nb_stalkermex 15 dic 2024, ore 19:22 
no, no pude, mencionare datos que talvez sean importantes del porque no me sucedio, tengo windows 11, con estos conponentes:
Placa madre: Asus prime B660M-A D4
Procesador: i5-12400F
Fuente de poder: XPG 850 watts gold
Ram: Delta Tuf Gaming 2x8 16 GB 3200 Mhz
Refrigeración por aire: DeepCool AG400
Tarjeta gráfica: Nvidia RTX 4060
almacenamiento: ADATA SU 630 DE 447GB

No, I couldn't, I will mention data that may be important as to why it didn't happen to me, I have Windows 11, with these components:
Motherboard: Asus prime B660M-A D4
Processor: i5-12400F
Power source: XPG 850 watts gold
Ram: Delta Tuf Gaming 2x8 16 GB 3200 Mhz
Air cooling: DeepCool AG400
Graphics card: Nvidia RTX 4060
Storage: ADATA SU 630 447GB
thedarlekmaster  [autore] 15 dic 2024, ore 4:29 
¿Puedes reproducir lo anterior?
thedarlekmaster  [autore] 15 dic 2024, ore 4:29 : English -> Spanish
Disculpas por no ser claro, me refiero a verificar la actualización de firmware/diver para todo, CPU, placa base, GPU, cualquier otra placa secundaria, almacenamiento y cualquier otra cosa.
En mi sistema Win10 no se utilizan configuraciones de solucionador de problemas de compatibilidad.
Acabo de intentar cargar SupCom2. En la primera carga, solo se mostró una pantalla de fondo, pero al cambiar el foco al Administrador de tareas presionando [Ctrl+Shift+Esc], vi la pantalla del menú brevemente. Al cambiar el foco a SupCom2 nuevamente, se mostró el menú brevemente, luego la pantalla se puso negra y luego el monitor se apagó. Entonces, hice ∞ [símbolo de infinito] con mi mouse hasta que se encendió el monitor, en aproximadamente 0,5 a 2 minutos, mostrando el menú de SupCom2.
Cerré SupCom2 a través del menú y abrí nuevamente, una breve pantalla posterior y luego antes de que aparecieran los títulos del menú.
thedarlekmaster  [autore] 15 dic 2024, ore 4:28 
Apologies for not being clear, I meant check for diver/firmware update for everything, CPU, Motherboard, GPU, any other daughterboards, storage, and anything else.

On my Win10 system no compatibility troubleshooter settings are used.
I have just tried loading SupCom2 on first load it only showed a back screen but by switching focus to Task Manager by pressing [Ctrl+Shift+Esc] I saw the menu screen briefly. Switching focus to SupCom2 again the menu was briefly shown, then black screen, then the monitor turned off. So, I did ∞ [Infinity symbol] with my mouse until the monitor turn on, in about 0.5 to 2 minutes, showing the SupCom2 menu.
I closed SupCom2 via the menu and opened again, short back screen then then pre menu titles rolled.

Can you reproduce the above?
nb_stalkermex 14 dic 2024, ore 16:18 
(tiempo de CPU/GUP, RAM) ya verifique y no, a la hora de abrirlo no esta utilizando los recurso y no se escucha nada a la hora de abrirlo, también intente con el [Alt+Tab] y nada, intentare lo ultimo que me dices, actualizar los controladores de mi placa madre, aunque revisare primero los drivers de mi tarjeta gráfica, actualizare la placa madre como una de mis ultimas opciones.

(CPU/GUP time, RAM) I already checked and no, when opening it it is not using the resources and nothing is heard when opening it, I also tried with [Alt+Tab] and nothing, I will try the latest What do you say, update my motherboard drivers, although I will check my graphics card drivers first, I will update the motherboard as one of my last options.
thedarlekmaster  [autore] 14 dic 2024, ore 15:59 
Let me know if the translation was helpful and if so, I will try to remember to do it on any response.
Avísame si la traducción fue útil y, de ser así, trataré de recordar hacerlo en cualquier respuesta.
thedarlekmaster  [autore] 14 dic 2024, ore 15:59 : English -> Spanish
Hola y buen día. Sí, parece un problema con el que me he encontrado antes. Algunos detalles como qué sistema operativo y los proveedores de su sistema pueden resultar útiles.
Con esta pantalla trasera, ¿escuchas el juego o el SupCom2 no se carga en absoluto? ¿SupCom2 está utilizando los recursos del sistema (tiempo de CPU/GUP, RAM)?

Si estás usando Windows, prueba lo siguiente:
Prueba a presionar Esc para omitir los títulos del menú previo, ya que a mí me han fallado al cargar antes.
[Alt+Tab] Entrar y salir para verlo, eso inicia el dibujo de SupCom2.
Verifica si la ejecución del solucionador de problemas de compatibilidad ayuda.
Comprueba si hay actualizaciones de controladores; es posible que debas buscar los controladores de tu placa base en el sitio web del vendedor de la misma.