1,129 人が評価
Visual Exceptions
Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
725.872 KB
2021年7月5日 15時17分
3月29日 11時26分
15 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Visual Exceptions

This mod shows you exceptions graphically, in a nice list with details about all mods involved. It has its own tab that only shows up when you get those pesky red error lines in the log.

It adds a bit of delay to the startup of the game so it has its own switch in the main menu that you need to enable when you want to use it. Make sure you put it into the right mod order, just below Harmony.

Please: if you like this mod and it has helped you, upvote it here on steam!


Installing the mod for the first time will default to it being active. Instead of removing it from your mod list you can also just deactivate it. You can change that and other things in the mods configuration settings.

When the mod is active it will automatically show all exceptions in a new tab with a Harmony logo, just like in the screenshot above. Each exception will be decoded so it contains the exact mods that are contained in the stacktrace because once this text is exported to a log the meaning is lost and is very hard to reconstruct.

The window has a few functions to help you:

- clicking on the yellow triangle will suppress this particular exception until you restart RimWorld
- the blue number counts the number of occurrences of this exception and clicking it will reset the count
- clicking on the white documents icon in the top right will copy the (enhanced) stack trace to your clipboard

Each exception lists all mods in the order of most likely (top) to least likely (bottom). This order IS ONLY A SUGGESTION and does not mean that the topmost mod is guaranteed to be blamed. Don't spam the author unnecessary unless you are sure that removing this mod helped. Mod conflicts where multiple mods are affecting each other are possible. The main feature here is to hint you about the involved mods.


To help you further with restarting your game as few times as possible while searching for mod conflicts, you can access a few other advanced features by clicking on each mod row. The following functions are available in the context menu:

- if the mod is on steam you can open its steam page by choosing Workshop page
- if a mod has an non-Steam website, you can choose Click to go to website to open it
- choose On- > Off to disable the mod just like unchecking it in the mod list. A restart is still necessary as usual
- advanced user only: Choosing Additional code off will unpatch the patch of this method that is involved in this exception. It's not a full unload and will most likely break other stuff but it is a good quick test to remove this particular mod from a repeating exception to see if the exception goes away. This change is only active until RimWorld is restarted and cannot be undone.


Use this mod wisely, don't bother developers without clear evidence and hopefully this mod will help you to reduce the number of restarts while fixing your mod list a bit. If it just helps you to avoid one extra restart and waiting another 10 minutes to load the game, it will be worth the download/install.

The Comments section is disabled and your only way to send feedback is via my discord server[discord.gg]

I make RimWorld mods since 2015. Check out all my other mods on my Workshop page

Please support me with as little as $1 on my Patreon page[patreon.com]

Andreas Pardeike
Email: andreas@pardeike.net
Discord: https://discord.gg/DsFxX5PG67
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pardeike
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/brrainz