Dota 2
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Meepo Standard - by SpicyHam
By SpicyHam
Playing safe with Meepo early game and then kazimba late game should be the central theme in every player's mind when digging with Meepo! (Meepo(s))
Health important for Meepo. Meepo not high hitpoint hero. If Axe come, axe kill Meepo fast. If Lion come, Lion finish Meepo, also.

So, Meepo founded solution - attribute stats, or strength items. And meepo would have to be hiding until Meepo can come with Meepo buddies.

Meepo walking one day, found yellow shining object. Meepo later found out it name equals Mechanism. Meepo tested its usage. Meepo liked. Meepo buddies also liked

- September 15, 708 A.D., a rainy day - by: Meepo


Mechanism takes good usage of Meepo's extra mana as well as its multiple-ness. Direct hitpoints boost items on the other hand does not give boost to other meepos. And attributes items may cost too much for the bonus could be provided.

Vladmir is good for farming build though hitpoints items are recommended instead as vladmir's lifeleech doesn't give all that much since large amount of Meepo's damage come from poof or geostrike. Besides, overcoming dangerous fight is the crucial part of Meepo - gotta make sure all 2 or 3 or 4 buddies survive. Once that's achieved, then the rest are sealed - net and geostrike can guarantee no one easily escapes Meepo group pounding.
