California, United States
You know me as Paladin
The strongest minecraft trade plaza div player in comp RGL. (Traders suck at the actual game, wtf are you on? Schizo much?)

RGL: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile?p=76561198301167972&r=40
Trade link: https://node2.projectplanet.cn/@steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=340902244&token=ce3V1ZXN
Backpack.tf: https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198301167972
현재 오프라인
아이템 전시대
aerol1th 10시간 전 
the clop master curtis loew
ZESTERCORP 2024년 11월 3일 오전 10시 27분 
what is that pfp
❀dpm 2024년 10월 28일 오전 9시 40분 
sometimes i pretend the ice monkey is my friend i know its weird but when i see him on the screen freezing the bloons i just know he would be reliable i dont have many friends in real life so somedays it just helps to pretend hes here with me patting me on the back and telling me (now with a cold) its going to be okay.
RYL TVINKIE JR 2024년 10월 27일 오전 2시 07분 
I never wiped the name I didn't name it that
Peomarder 2024년 10월 27일 오전 1시 58분 
I'm not calling you a good boy, that pug was ♥♥♥♥! /j
:/ 2024년 10월 23일 오전 11시 05분