Beata Szydło
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Lubricious ✏ Kenna 4 ago 2018, ore 21:34 
📣🚘🌋 Performance review for Beata Szydło 👾🎄🍖

They will always willingly and successfully try to do what is required, even if it means performing tasks that are not in the job description or if required to do extra work unexpectedly. Has produced several plans, ideas, products and methods in the last six months. But generally they’ve been more of the same – not bursting with freshness and originality. Generally takes on tasks or assignments without objection, but does not appear to be strongly motivated, and will not inspire others. Expects promotion to a higher grade at some time in the future, although success at work is not the highest priority to them. Not one to exert themself unduly.

💛 + 🎁 = 📕
CSGOMAGIC GIVEAWAY 27 gen 2016, ore 2:10 
+rep god player
Lipinson 26 gen 2016, ore 3:37 
+rep dobra wymiana za psc:csgohelmet:
shuva 25 dic 2015, ore 8:29 
Yoo Pierre You wanna comme out 19 ago 2015, ore 8:06