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Pelattu viimeksi 30.10.
Jesus Christ 9.6.2020 klo 1.27 
您好朋友,我最近与您比赛过,我想邀请您加入我们的团队。 这是我的主要帐户,请加我为 https://node2.projectplanet.cn/@steamcommunity.com/id/burst__angel 。 我们正计划参加一些锦标赛,我想我们有很好的机会与您:)
76561198049466519 31.8.2018 klo 23.51 
I trade my pudge arcana for any 10 Dota2 loading screens - if you want send me trade offer, I will accept
Cyberghost 29.6.2018 klo 22.56 
I can give my Fiery Soul of the Slayer Lina arcana for all of your dota 2 loading screens (Im collecting them) so if it's ok for you send me trade offer please. Link in my bio
龍PANDA 8.6.2013 klo 6.03 
hello :balloonicorn: