Waifu Central   Hiroshima, Japan
- I'm bisexual
- I'm still mostly attracted to girls in terms of aesthetics, but sexually speaking I'm probably more at home being pinned down by a guy OwO
- I'm a lolicon (2D-only of course), though I like big-breasted girls and whatnot too as long as they still look natural
- Furthermore I also like incest quite a lot, so combined with the former, imoutos are my biggest fetish
- I identify as a sub, more specifically as a slave and rope bunny first and foremost
- In case it wasn't obvious already, I love dressing up in cute girls' clothes during sexy times ^^
- Favourite pornstars used to be Riley Reid and Elsa Jean, but nowadays I mostly just make my own lewds instead and share with people ❤️
Nas_Email 15 giu, ore 16:59 
RobotCow11 the GOAT
96Nairra 24 dic 2023, ore 19:01 
Sr.PoPo 6 nov 2023, ore 17:29 
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Nas_Email 26 lug 2019, ore 17:09 
yo +rep bro

good fast trader
paprika 29 set 2018, ore 19:34 
why do i get a notif everytime somone comments
Neko_Lover 14 set 2018, ore 23:25 
at least im not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GAY