Marian Kozipępek   Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Poland
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Libidinous Rayne 7 Apr, 2019 @ 7:15pm 
👔 ❀ 🌽 I played lead guitar in a band called The Federal Duck, which is the kind
🔋 ❀ 🚗 of name that was popular in the '60s as a result of controlled substances
🚕 ❀ 👽 being in widespread use. Back then, there were no restrictions, in terms
🍧 ❀ 🐠 of talent, on who could make an album, so we made one, and it sounds like
👹 ❀ 🐝 a group of people who have been given powerful but unfamiliar instruments
👾 ❀ 🚙 as a therapy for a degenerative nerve disease.
👑 ❀ 🍇 -- Dave Barry, "The Snake" 🐊💃🍆