You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples; it could also be something much better. Prepare to enter: The Scary Door.

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar.
Moe Lester 12 jan om 13:00 
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Moe Lester 18 dec 2023 om 14:54 
Panda026_ 11 nov 2023 om 16:51 
meow meow
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    /  ヽ   ノ
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Berry the crackhead 17 jun 2023 om 5:14 
no ♥♥♥♥
Berry the crackhead 17 jun 2023 om 5:14 
omg Spazalicious saving the day!
GHOST 14 apr 2023 om 4:21 
Yo I was just team with you on sea of thieves were you guys really going to kill me and my wife?