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Captain American 16 feb 2013, ore 16:45 
Ah, lol. If I used Steam's community section better, I could have replied sooner. Thanks for the birthday well wishes.
Carez 17 ago 2012, ore 6:43 
Thanks for the beta, I REALLY aprreciate it. Reddit FTW
-BRH- Qlaras [DG] 16 lug 2012, ore 17:31 
I got LA Noire on both wishlist and games list by adding to wishlist, then getting it added to my account after pre-ordering Max Payne 3 - they added it a few weeks later.
Ash_Slash666 15 lug 2012, ore 2:27 
Thanks for the gifts :-)
Brucemoose 14 lug 2012, ore 20:09 
I have no idea who you are; but be rest assured that I have played the Half Life games multiple times over; I just dont have them on this account because I used to share a Steam account several years ago.
gamma_girl 11 lug 2011, ore 5:12 