Olivia Ross
Veronika Bartová   Jacksonville, Alabama, United States
:luf: Takže ahoj, vítam ťa na mojom profile . Moje meno je Veronika, no zvyknu ma volať aj majiteľka hier [imgur.com]. Už v tak útlom veku (19 rokov) som skoro vo väčšine hier najlepšia . Moja radosť zo života je zasadená na robením si nervov pri akejkoľvek hre (nezáleži či je to minecraft alebo sims), búchaním do klávesnice, trhaním káblov, kričaním, bliačaním, plačkaním, leavovaním, rozprávaním nevhodných slov (nielen v slovenčine), cancer, robením si p*či z ostatných kamarátkov a roznášaním cringu po internete. Ak aj po tomto krásnom monologu si si stále istý že sa ti páčim, že som tvoja vysnívaná hoe a chceš mať somnou 3 deti tak ver mi že toto je len začiatok . Maj pekný deň a pál do piče.

"Aj keby som celý match AFK, mam viac killov ako Sladučka" - Kosso 2k16
"Ticho, nevidím ich." - Luther2k17
"Ber p90 Veronika, nie že by si bola zla, ved ty si perfektna s každou zbraňou." - Mates 2k17
"No, on ma jebne hečkom na warmupe." - rado 2k17
"Babka mi dala 100€, tak si idem kupiť skiny." - sladučka 2k17
"Představte si že hráme csko s houbičkou na nádoby." - shady 2k17
"Ja som sa stratil na tom ts ako reiden na ygames." - fijo 2k17
"Tuto mapu som dal preto, lebo na mirage sa reiden nestratí." - savage 2k17
"Nevím kto to je ale začínam ji mít rád." - wapren 2k17
"Keď ho dám cez stenu dáš si na profilovku fotku s minecraftom." Luther 2k17
MIND Path to Thalamus E.Edition
104 10 13
4.6 時間プレイ
Bottle is a first person walking simulator, where you follow the path in a snowy landscape and with the help of a mysterious person you will find letters, that makes you familiar with the story. The game is short, so do not expect from game some kind of a massive story. The graphic is really good and i liked that the game is very bright, fresh and soothing. I liked the music too, it was really enjoyable to walk on the path and hear some sounds of nature like wind, birds, trees and water. The big plus for achievement hunters is that this game has a 7 easy achievements so you can do 100% game. I think this game could feel free to have a longer story and they should add tone of horror game. The low price is really fair to the fact, that game is just walking simulator and it is really short. I recommend this game for screenshooters because there's a lot of positions that may make seriously unique screenshots.

+ fair price
+ relaxing music
+ noir mode (great addition to a game)

- short story

Walk Noir
After passing game you can play a new mode - walk noir. Already the name implies that it will have something to do with black or dark color. It is a new mode in which you follow the same path but the graphic is darker. If you want 100% achievements, you have to also complete it.

Všetci milovníci tejto užasnej hry, spojte sa!
             l 19 years old I :AlmaLove: girl l :Mature: Hotel academy l
         l :golde: playing games since 2010 l :CorpsWarning: bought steam 6 years ago l
          l :crown1: Hearthstone l Counter strike l :GreenArrow: Heroes of the Storm l
            l :luf: NIP l :pinkdeath: RANK: LE haHAA l :NeedleBomb: HS: legend l
     l :Elegance: love playing in photoshop, making graphics, taking and editing pictures l
    l instagram [instagram.com] l snapchat [i.imgur.com] l Battlenet - Sladuckaaaaa #2590 l

                    𝕄𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕓𝕓𝕪 [imgur.com]
                𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕕 [www.reactiongifs.com]
Heisenberg 2024年5月26日 18時44分 
Enticing Deborah 2019年1月18日 22時41分 
Q: What's the difference between a Mac and an Etch-a-Sketch?
A: You don't have to shake the Mac to clear the screen.
michal.jpg 2018年1月24日 11時33分 
ok ok ....podpis mi dávat nemusiš...ale přidat si mě můžeš :TheSmiley::TheDonuts:
joz1s*[GG] 2018年1月21日 11時41分 
fajnova picka
bigT 2018年1月13日 16時42分 
+rep dobrá hra (no trigger)
Bot Angel 2018年1月13日 16時41分 
+rep pekné fragy :)