Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Ei tietoja.
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Frodolinador 11.10. klo 13.50 
are u really doing this to me?
a cap without me?
what happened between us?
tell me
is there someone else?
im sure ther eis
since when we become THIS
can't believe after all we have been through
i was there when u needed me the most
we were there for each other
i guess it's over
isn't it?
Murkovskiii 4.4. klo 5.49 
Er gaan geruchten dat je cool bent, maar ik ben er niet zeker van :D :flagukraine:
DanielExde 13.12.2017 klo 9.29 
I did it ! :DDD
New Server Record #2 (Scroll)
[] Daniel karate has finished the map with time 1:02:48.312.
Jumps: 4279, Strafes: 6802.
R 10.8.2016 klo 8.09 
OH DAMNNNNNNNNN look at that ass bro!
RickGrimes 13.9.2014 klo 16.07 
yo henkie spenkie