The strong one doesn't win.The one that wins is strong.😁
Vetrina immagini
Voltage 1 mag, ore 7:40 
+rep he is the uncle everybody needs.
NPC 28 ott 2022, ore 6:39 
Noobe !
Shazam 2 apr 2021, ore 10:05 
+rep Pro Player:cozydarkseer:!!!
Yellow Ranger 21 gen 2021, ore 8:41 
+rep meme master
Jishin 8 set 2020, ore 6:16 
+rep dino's mama boi
xxDukeKingxx 7 lug 2020, ore 21:53 
Year 2099: *Corona still exists*
This guy still doesn't buy psu . :steamfacepalm: