i dont like you
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Gusher R8 Only 6 oct. à 23h36 
that is not number 1 lowest you have number 3 on float db it says number 1 is 0.99985957145691
dogfoil 5 oct. à 15h42 
theres a negev on b!
Gusher R8 Only 5 oct. à 6h59 
how much got battle scar negev
Reaper 刈取 10 juil. à 5h54 
+rep crazy american but a cool guy overall
imagenius 10 déc. 2023 à 5h50 
mf dident you give me a commendation
Smoke 10 déc. 2023 à 1h22 
-rep complains too much, is toxic, all around bad teammate