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Posted 19 September.
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  当我听说这部作品是纯爱,看到男主 是一个科学家,还会教别的小朋友上课, 主观地推想男主一定有一个纯洁的灵魂,但事实上他只是一个冷漠的人。他利用无爱的婚姻作为自我救赎的手段,对水菜萌采用实用主义的态度。 当然也有一部分原因是故事背景让他不能光明正大和机器人结婚。 夏生因为 自己爱的人亚托莉 拜托自己和 本来是朋友的追求者水菜萌 结婚,生了很多孩子(“为了高智商基因延续”不是夏生的本意,个人认为只是夏生需要陪伴,但是这是很多夏生粉丝用来洗夏生的话术,说科学家的基因应该被延续,所以也提一下),结果给水菜萌的待遇连朋友都不如,不关心水菜萌且一辈子都没喊过她的名字只叫她“孩子妈”(同时在以前学校里的人调侃水菜萌是夏生的送饭妻)(当然,在日本结婚之后会按照家里最小的人的视角称呼其他家人,但是还有没生孩子的时候啊,他俩总不能生了孩子才结婚吧,要是这样的话那夏生更渣了),把人异化为情绪价值提供机,水菜萌对于他的价值仅仅体现在其工具性上。 把朋友不当人看待的人,真的有爱恋人的能力吗?夏生利用了亚托莉与水菜萌的友情,将水菜萌卷入自己的悲剧中。
  夏生的悲剧主要是因为其父。 夏生的父亲忽视亲情,导致了家庭成员之间的冷漠。妻子和母亲去世、儿子断腿休学欠债,自己还忙于拯救世界顾都不顾小家一眼……很遗憾夏生继承了这种忽视亲情的人际关系处理模式。 因为父亲这种行为和外婆的话语,男主将 拯救世界的使命和个人的命运 联系在一起,成了他人格扭曲的开端。拯救世界是让大家活着,人格的完善肯定需要活着但还需要更多。 夏生曾经看不起智商普通的同学、老师,在母亲去世时还以为是母亲抛弃自己,他自己也知道这个缺点,所以TE里一直特意不使用高性能假肢好让自己有缺陷从而谦虚,但是在TE的最后他也也依然个人英雄主义。
  我希望TE里 水菜萌不和夏生结婚, 但是我明白这只是希望,同时我并不想让剧情真的改变。 如果水菜萌离开了夏生,反而削弱了阶级斗争对个人英雄主义的控诉。水菜萌是勤劳、单纯、顺从的,她甚至意识不到夏生对她的伤害。虽然水菜萌一直喜欢夏生,但是她如果喜欢一个普通人而不是全球顶尖的科学家,大概率不会得到夏生这样不爱她、只会忽视她的情感需求的伴侣。她无私奉献,只是希望满足自己喜欢的人亚托莉和夏生。水菜萌的悲剧使人难受,正在于她不仅身体被当成机器,而且灵魂无知单纯,以为自己很幸福。水菜萌一旦拒绝和夏生结婚,也就宣告挣脱了阶级捆在她心灵上的锁链,因此剧情不改比较好。
Posted 15 September. Last edited 15 September.
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127.3 hrs on record
(The English translation is generated directly by machine from Chinese text (excluding some plot information), which may be completely unreadable. Those interested in a high-quality English translation are welcome to provide a retranslation)
  The storyline of this game is exceptionally well-crafted, maintaining a oppressive tone throughout that is almost heart-stopping. 【Players who are easily upset or prone to heart conditions might need to approach this with caution; I've grown accustomed to heartache, and it's not life-threatening. 】 In the game, I was reminded of the feeling of longing to escape, yet having nowhere to go. It brought back memories of my time in the hospital, where some patients were silent while others chatted incessantly. Despite the difference in their talking frequency, they were all searching for ways to escape a sense of despair. No matter how they appeared on the surface, when they weren't in pain, nobody wanted to die. It's better to let the experience unfold on its own.
Posted 4 August. Last edited 4 August.
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12 people found this review helpful
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8.8 hrs on record
(The English translation is generated directly by machine from Chinese text (excluding some plot information), which may be completely unreadable. Those interested in a high-quality English translation are welcome to provide a retranslation)
  全篇插叙,开头讲了两名女主角相遇一周年已经谈恋爱很久之后在学校里散步的场景 ,中间 是回忆 ,结尾是 女主角们在房间里的场景。
  开头虽然已经是恋人了,但是 美夜在校园大道上对璃纱 进行了大量的**,无视了公共道德,触及了公共与私人空间的界限问题 (璃纱喜欢美夜,但是不希望在公共场所) 。璃纱只是感慨 秋天到了让自己想到和美夜见面的画面,美夜却说:“可以尽情**璃纱了”“璃纱到底在做什么**妄想”“璃纱亲口吐露的**妄想,才是真正需要永久保存的珍品,就跟璃纱刚脱下的**一样,有着同等的高价”。美夜在公共场合触摸璃纱的**,还说“你的**这里,不是已经很*了吗?”“不管旁边有什么人在都无所谓”。
  璃纱感到不适要求美夜停止,美夜却说: “我面不改色,维持着充满知性美的表象,但是脑海中却满溢着对璃纱的**感情哦!”“我可是学校第一的才女”。 这类言论展示了权力关系中的压迫与被压迫现象,权力关系不平等会导致恋爱关系中的不平等。
  剧情中有着大量、重复的文本对于美夜进行外貌描写,削弱了角色本身的复杂性。人物塑造的丰富性往往体现在其内在世界的外在展现上,行为举止、神态变化都可以做到这一点。而这部游戏中只有诸如 “学校第一的黑发,秀丽得令人惊叹” “美丽的黑色长发随风飘舞”“校服跟美夜是天造地设般的绝配”“冬季制服的美夜,在我的眼里越发美丽”“啊啊……太美了”“怎么会有这么漂亮的人”“那么漂亮的人,我从未见过” ……等的内容,两者之间的爱情看起来仅仅停留在表面的外貌吸引上。角色当然可以好看,但是爱情的独特性往往体现在双方对彼此的深刻理解、不可替代的情感连结以及面对外界诱惑时的坚定选择上。
  每一段独立的剧情基本都要重复描述一遍角色的外貌,还会有路人对主角外貌的评价: “啊啊,怎么会有这么漂亮的人”“我要变成美夜同学的粉丝了”“我也是……我们多多关照她吧”“那头美丽的黑发,简直可以媲关高三的中御前呢” 角色的三观似乎跟着五官跑,可能反映了社会对外貌的过度重视。
  美夜的学习能力被赋予了神话般的色彩,却只有能力的展示,而未能触及到人物更为深刻的精神世界,文本中只描述了她每天翘课还能全科满分而已。剧情:“那么复杂的题……居然在眨眼之间就……好厉害。”“真不愧是能在入学考试中拿满分的人啊。”“(璃纱)考试成绩总是低于美夜同学”“(美夜翘课)不过……她的成绩仍然十分优异呢”“全班只有一个人考了满分” 如果安排一个美夜写诗歌感动了璃纱的情节,那么这个天才设定还有些用处。在成就方面,虽然有一部分文本写出了她在面对人际关系以及自我认知时的思考与挣扎,但是美夜并没有经历挑战之后成长,在结局依然 是一个“问题儿童”(她自己说的)。
  美夜还有两个本可以深入的剧情,结果都有情节发展表面化的问题。 1. 美夜参与不感兴趣的活动,在打哈欠之后直接离开了,导致璃纱道歉。第二天璃纱找到她发现她在喝茶,“但是那副茶具看起来好贵,而且超可爱”,就没有生气(又和上文只看外貌和成绩的情况呼应了)。第三天美夜拿来了计划书,大家就都夸:“无懈可击的计划书”“不愧是高一最优秀的学生”。这一变化在文中非常突兀(尽管结局中她自述当时已经爱上璃纱),路人角色都是你们play的一环吗。此外美夜对于自己翘课的观点是自己参与考试且满分,父母也交了钱所以没关系,又体现了阶级的不同。2. 关于 美夜与父母关系不和的情节,本可以成为深入挖掘角色家庭背景及性格形成的重要契机,剧情中却一笔带过,只写了璃纱关心她的时候提到了父母导致美夜不开心,之后和好时璃纱想:“她果然,单看脸的话很棒呢。我有点心动了”, 又让话题回到了角色外貌。还有,美夜 做的一些事导致璃纱翘课没有被追究却没有说明这是如何做到的,或许又是使用了特权。
  结局部分是 两名女主角在房间里,美夜做出*暗示,璃纱表示拒绝,美夜就假装自己很伤心从而使得璃纱主动亲吻了她。

  It is said that the Steam version of this game has removed a significant amount of content, resulting in a plot that is incomplete. Assessing the game solely based on the Chinese Steam version I've seen may differ from the content of the original full version. The story begins with the scene of the two female protagonists walking into school after being in love for a long time. The middle part is a flashback, and the ending is a scene of the protagonist in a room. Although they are already lovers from the start, Miya harasses Risa on the school avenue, making Risa uncomfortable and prompting her to ask Miya to stop. However, Miya says, "After all, I am the foremost intellect at St.Michael's," indicating that inequality in power relations can lead to inequality in love.
  In the subsequent plot, the love between the female protagonists appears inexplicably. The story is filled with a large amount of repetitive text describing Miya's appearance, which undermines the complexity of the character itself. Of course, Miya can be beautiful, but the uniqueness of love often lies in a deep understanding of each other, an irreplaceable emotional connection, and a firm choice in the face of external temptations. Each independent plot segment essentially repeats the description of the character's appearance, and there are also evaluations of the protagonist's appearance by passers-by, which may reflect society's excessive emphasis on appearance.
  Miya's learning ability is mythologized, but it only shows the display of ability without touching the character's deeper spiritual world. The article only describes her skipping classes every day, but she gets full marks in all subjects. If there were a plot where Miya writes a poem a poem that made Risa fall in love with her, then the setting of this genius would be of some use. In terms of achievements, although some parts of the text write about her thoughts and struggles in the face of interpersonal relationships and self-awareness, Miya does not grow after experiencing challenges and remains a troublemaker (as she herself says). In the ending, the two female protagonists are in a room, Miya makes a s****l innuendo, Risa refuses, Miya pretends to be very sad, causing Risa to take the initiative to kiss her.
Posted 28 July. Last edited 19 September.
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3.4 hrs on record
Posted 27 July.
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6 people found this review helpful
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6.6 hrs on record
(The English translation is generated directly by machine from Chinese text (excluding some plot information), which may be completely unreadable. Those interested in a high-quality English translation are welcome to provide a retranslation)不建议喜欢《狐姬》或者《茸茸便利店》两部作品的纯爱战士玩。男主角的好色形象处理得过于夸张,减弱了人格的复杂性与多面性,让人难以对女主角爱上男主角的心情产生共鸣,剧情没有真实感,让人想打一个大大的问号。
  关于树洞被砍的情节,原本非常让人感动,但我擦干眼泪一抬头却发现女主的衣服居然变成了透明的,感到非常荒谬。文本中描写了雨是小雨,画面画出了女主撑着伞的形象,衣服怎么会湿? 这种为了颜色牺牲剧情合理性的做法使得观众的情感投入瞬间瓦解。
  女主有生命危险,正在躲躲藏藏的时候,男主说: “自己心仪的姑娘离得那么近,哪个男人不会有激烈的反应?没错,就是心脏,我的心脏正怦怦跳个不停。另一个部分也硬了起来,没错,就是肌肉,让女孩子靠在自己身上的时候肯定不能用软趴趴的肥肉去迎接她。” 在困境中互相扶持本应体现两人之间的感情,却因男主角的内心活动而变得肤浅。
  可以看出编剧没穿过裙子也不关心穿裙子的人,不然不会说出“下雨天穿裙子比穿裤子好”,女主只是因为被男主背着才没有湿鞋罢了 ,不是因为穿裙子,下雨天穿裙子比穿裤子麻烦多了。
  女主角 在浴室遭遇蟑螂向男主求助的情节,本可以展现男主角的勇敢,却被处理成了一场只有男主愉悦的视觉盛宴。
  I don't recommend people who like 'Fox Princess' or 'Fluffy Store' to play. The portrayal of Raylan Monroe's lecherous image in the game plot is too exaggerated, weakening the complexity and diversity of his personality, making it difficult for me to understand why Yella Lester would fall in love with him.
  The scene of trees being cut down in the game was originally very touching, but as soon as I wiped away my tears and looked up, I found that Yella Lester's clothes had turned transparent, which was very absurd. The text describes rain as light rain, and the image depicts Yella Lester holding an umbrella. How could her clothes get wet? This approach of sacrificing the rationality of the plot instantly undermines the emotional investment of the audience.
  Yella Lester's life is in danger, and when she goes into hiding, Raylan Monroe says, “The girl cares a lot is so close to me and which man wouldn't feel excited about it? one of my organs is extremely active...Yes, it's my heart, thumping non-stop.Another part is getting firm...Yes, it's the muscles.lcan't possibly allow a girl to lean on flabby muscles.” Mutual support in difficult situations should reflect the feelings between two people, but due to Raylan Monroe's words, it becomes superficial.
  The screenwriter clearly hasn't worn a dress and doesn't care about the person wearing it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have written "It's better to wear a skirt on a rainy day than pants". The female lead only didn't have wet shoes because she was carried by the male lead, not because she was wearing a skirt. Wearing a skirt on a rainy day is much more troublesome than wearing pants.
  Yella Lester said she wanted to commit suicide after experiencing life with Raylan Monroe. Raylan Monroe looks very happy, which makes people feel absurd. Most people hope that their loved ones can continue to live happily after their own death. In the later plot, when Raylan Monroe was about to die and he saved Yella Lester from death, his mind was filled with fantasies about what Yella Lester would do in the future. This should have been an emotional climax, but due to the contradictory background, it appears pale and powerless, giving the impression that the screenwriter is trying to enhance Raylan Monroe's image through this backdrop. How can a person worry about their wife's future while enjoying her suicidal desire?
Posted 26 July. Last edited 31 July.
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26.1 hrs on record
Posted 25 July.
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1 person found this review helpful
7.3 hrs on record
Posted 25 July.
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2 people found this review helpful
10.4 hrs on record
(The English translation is generated directly by machine from Chinese text (excluding some plot information), which may be completely unreadable. Those interested in a high-quality English translation are welcome to provide a retranslation)据说编剧是一名护士,在游戏中能学到很多医学知识才买的。实际上,对于有玩家声称能获取丰富医学知识的现象,我认为不如去看《蓝色生死恋》。
  Based on feedback from some players, the game&apos;s scriptwriter is a nurse, which allows for the acquisition of a significant amount of medical knowledge within the game. This was the reason I decided to purchase it. However, I believe that for serious learning, it might be more effective to read actual medical textbooks.
  The female protagonist of the game, who is a nurse in a formal employment setting, is expected to have a foundational understanding of medical knowledge and professional skills. This includes, but is not limited to, aseptic techniques, the correct application of medical terminology, comprehension of hospital department roles, the appropriate disposal of medical waste, and measures to prevent nausea. However, the female protagonist displays a lack of knowledge that is generally known even by those outside the medical field. Within the game, there is limited information provided about specific diseases, such as bedsores, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and some insights into blood disorders.
  The deficiencies in professional skills displayed by the female lead and her classmates are concerning. They struggle with basic nursing tasks such as administering injections and drawing blood, managing patients' pain improperly, lacking the ability to dress patients, incorrectly placing emergency call devices on the paralyzed side of patients with language difficulties, misinterpreting body temperature and pulse data, administering injections without verifying the medication, overlooking patient examination schedules, not knowing how to manage nosebleeds, and failing to properly clean sheets contaminated with blood. It is hoped that readers without a medical background can still follow the plot with the help of annotations, rather than being presented with a protagonist who is responsible for numerous medical mishaps and, in some cases, even patient fatalities.
  Seen through the lens of a hospital work environment, numerous scenes in the game grossly disregard social etiquette and medical ethics. While there are instances that touch on humanistic patient care, these are largely driven by romantic pursuits rather than professional dedication. This inappropriate content undoubtedly undermines the conveyance of positive, professional messages. In the storyline where the female lead and some of her colleagues engage in romantic relationships, the distraction caused by these affairs often leads to a lack of focus at work, affecting both the female lead and her coworkers.
  As for the romantic subplot that unfolds outside the hospital, since it is a work of fiction, it will not be critiqued here.
Posted 25 July. Last edited 26 July.
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2.6 hrs on record
Posted 24 July.
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