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5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Is this a joke? Only two quests, no good loot, and nothing else? Sure, it's nice seeing T.K Baha again, but again, is this a joke? Just skip this one.
Posted 6 August, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
I get the feeling that the DLC for this game is going by the Star Trek film rule, meaning the Odd-Numbered ones are the worst and the Even-Numbered ones are the best. Why I bring that up? Cause this is another piece of great DLC for the game and probably offers the most amount of content that it can offer! Taking inspiration from D&D and other RPGs, the world you are thrown into offers parodies and homages to plenty of famous Sword & Sorcery stuff, everything from Lord Of The Rings to Skyrim to Dark Souls. In fact, this DLC does something rare and actually makes Tiny Tina NOT insufferable to listen too! Sure, at times she is still annoying and I want to strangle her at other times, but the rest of the time she is actually enjoyable to listen to. I love the new locations in this pack and the enemies are a blast to fight, including the Skeleton soldiers as they remind me of Army Of Darkness in a way (Guess cause I usually go after them with a Shotgun). Heck, the last boss of the pack is fun to fight AND memorable as it brings back one of the killed off characters in the Main Game (Not gonna spoil anything but trust me when I say you will shout along with one of the characters in pure happiness). Best of all? The last boss is one of the best enemies to farm loot from, as it has the same drop rate as The Warrior (but is considerably easier to fight). What I'm trying to say is: This is the best piece of DLC for Borderlands 2 and I HIGHLY recommend this to everyone to play!
Posted 6 August, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Son of a Crawmerax, this is probably the worst DLC since Captain Scarlett! There is NOTHING good in this pack I can bring up, other then one funny moment near the end of the DLC, but other then that, there is NOTHING good about this DLC! The level design is horid, the new enemies are a pain in the rear (Especially those danged Witch Doctors, who rank up there as some of the worst enemies in Borderlands 2, next to the Rabid Creatures and Explosive Loaders), the "bosses" are not enjoyable to fight, the Raid Bosses are a joke, and the new characters are just boring! I have nothing else more to say other then SKIP THIS PIECE OF DREDGE!
Posted 6 August, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Coming off the lackluster Captain Scarlett And Her Pirate's Booty, I had little hopes for this piece of DLC in terms of quality and content. Thankfully, those fears were cast aside the second it started as this might be the best piece of DLC I've played in a long while! Not only is the setting fun to explore, but the characters are interesting and the new loot is fun to use!

Lets get the bad out of the way first before I start listing the good. The one thing that really hurts this DLC is the Tiny Tina quests. Yes, the annoying brat is back again and she is just as insufferable here as she was in the main game. Sure, the Cookie Quest is kinda fun, but after that it ranges from standard fangirling to a quest that is impossible to pass unless you are a level below. The only other bad thing I can bring up is the map layout, cause at times it's difficult to find where you need to go due to all the verticality in the maps.

With that out of the way, time for the good stuff! Firstly, Mr. Torgue is probably the best character that Borderlands 2 has to offer, second only to Handsome Jack. His lines are some of the most memorable in the entire game and his quests are equally as fun! The new Bosses are a blast, pun intended, to fight, ESPECIALLY the last boss in the main questline of the DLC (Bring Corrosive and Explosive weapons, trust me). Lastly, there are new vending machines in the DLC that offers only Torgue Weapons (which requires easily attainable Torgue Tokens) and these will always offer the Legendary Torgue Guns (like the Derp Nukem Rocket Launcher) as Weapon Of The Day, so if you couldn't get them during your farming escapades, this will be your best chance at getting them!

All and all, this is a far cry from the lackluster Scarlett DLC and I highly recommend this one to everyone who wants more ways to level up and be a badass in Borderlands 2!
Posted 6 August, 2016.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
For the first piece of DLC for Borderlands 2, this is a disappointment. But lets get the positives out of the way first: I like the setting for the DLC and the subtle Star Wars references are a nice touch, the Cursed Weapons are pretty cool, though a few of the "cursed" items don't really seem to do anything, and the last two bosses are a fun fight. With the good stuff out of the way, lets get to the stuff that doesn't really work. Firstly, there are no noteworthy or likable characters in this DLC, as they are either one-note wonders or just there for a joke. Example, Shade is the very first character you meet and, at first, I thought he was going to be a homage to Hunter S. Thompson but he turns into the Annoying Fan from Oblivion very quickly. As for the titular Cpt. Scarlett? There is nothing notable about her, other then a Jakobs pistol you can get from her and a funny line here and there. As for the rest of the DLC, there isn't really anything to write home about, other then new Seraph weapons you can get. Honestly, I'd suggest skipping this one, unless you want to try out the Cursed Weapons.
Posted 6 August, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Alright, while I was nice to the Zombie Island DLC, I can NOT be nice to this one. This is, by far, the Worst Piece Of DLC for any game I've ever played. You want to know what you have to do in this DLC? Survive 30 Rounds (5 rounds + 5 Levels) over the span of 3 areas. That is it! No quests, No Loot, No Notable Bosses, No New Areas. You get NOTHING! The ONLY thing worth mentioning about this DLC is that you finally get a place to store your weapons and that's cool I guess. Take my advice: Take the $10 it costs to buy this DLC and pick up Unreal Tournament GOTY. Just don't waste it on this ♥♥♥♥♥.
Posted 28 May, 2016.
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8 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
This one...I dunno. I had fun playing through it but it felt kinda lackluster. Sure, it was fun to FINALLY be able to shoot those damned ClapTraps but, most of the time, I was still shooting bandits and other humans/cyborgs. My major gripe with this DLC is the difficulty spike near the end, especially on Playthrough 2 as it kinda hurts the flow of the DLC. My other gripe is the last boss: MINAC. The whole boss just seems to OP for it's own good (Although a good Corrosive Shotgun or Assault Rifle will end it pretty quickly). Truthfully, while I did have fun playing the DLC, it just felt lackluster compared to the excellent Secret Armory DLC that came before it. I'd say go ahead and skip this one.
Posted 28 May, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
4.8 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Retro City Rampage might be one of the poorest attempts at cloning GTA in a long while. Developed by one man, which is cool admittedly, it's basically a Parody of both GTA and other games released throughout the years, which is its only saving grace. The parodies are funny! Everything from Duke Nukem to TMNT to Back To The Future to even Jean-Claude Van Damne are parodied and each one managed to get either a chuckle or a nice laugh from me at times. But that's the games only saving grace

The rest of the game is clunky, monotonous, and down right boring. It's main issue is that it plays its trap card too early with it's tutorial mission. After that, the game just copies itself to the point where even the jokes are boring. What hampers the game even more are the controls. Now I hate saying that the controls can ruin any game (I'm able to look past bad controls if the game is fun), but WOW! These controls are both bad and clunky! Not only is it a pain to move and aim, but the driving is what REALLY kills the game. I get the point that it's supposed to be emulating the NES in terms of gameplay, but come on! Even the driving games on NES had better controls then this clunker! When it comes to the shooting, it's even worse. There is supposed to be a lock on mechanic, but it's one of the worst ones I dealt with. Whenever you are shooting, you lock on to any near by targets and all your shots go there. The issue is that you STAY locked on when you are shooting and you can't freely aim at other targets without ceasing your fire and then firing again. This is a major hindrance when you are in gun fights when are you want to do is aim at another target but you keep targeting other stuff that AREN'T YOUR TARGETS!

Sadly, I can not recommend this game what so ever. Not only does it fail in trying to be a good GTA clone, but it sadly fails in being a parody at times. It does make me mad though...when I first got this game, I loved it. But now, the more I play it, the less I love it and the more I get frustrated with it. Save your cash and skip this game.

Posted 2 March, 2016.
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8 people found this review helpful
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0.4 hrs on record
You know, it's sad really. I really wanted to like this game due to the creative weapons, location, and characters, but there is one HUGE issue with this game that kills any enjoyment: It is the most poorly opitimized game I have ever played. It's main issue is that the game will constantly crash at random intervals (sometimes after 2 minutes of gameplay). I'm still stuck on the first level thanks to those crashes! As for the controls, it's the same issue, but I can look past that. I can even look past some graphical issues (including one odd one where if you take a screenshot, it does a weird duplication to said screenshot). What I can't look past is the constant crashes and poor optimization. Heck, the developer of the port is doing nothing to fix the game! For as much as I wanted to like and recommend this game, I sadly can not. AVOID THIS GAME and pick it up on the original Xbox instead! It's better optimized, runs better, and is dirt cheap!
Posted 27 February, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
4.1 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
When it comes to horror in gaming, I'm gonna be honest: I find horror in gaming to be laughable to the point of not even being scary. Games like Slender, FEAR, FNaF, SCP, all they do is just make me laugh and never scream in horror. Sure, some might make me flinch a bit, but that's it. WIth that said, I had a lot of recommendations for 'Condemned: Criminal Origins' for a while now, with people saying that it's one of the best FPS and scariest games out there. Well, I'd like to know what game they were playing, cause this game is not the game they were talking about. This might be one of the worst games I've played in a long while. The horror elements are laughable to the point where they are BORING. When it comes to the much touted combat, it's lame. All you do is just left click to swing or fire your weapon, right click to block, space to kick and that's it. I dunno, I guess I'm use to more refined FPS combat in games like Zeno Clash and Mirror's Edge, but I expected a bit more when it came to this game with all the praise it got. I mostly stuck with the firearms whenever I found them or tasering the opponent, to which I found the taser can make most fights end in seconds with one well tase and one well hit with your weapon. The one good thing I will say about this game is that, well, the detective gameplay is pretty fun. Granted, it's not as involved as most games with this feature, but, nonetheless, it is fun. Now, I'm not one to harp on graphics (to me, graphics are not a selling point in a game), but WOW! Does this game look ugly! Even if I did get this on Day One, I'd probably think it's ugly! The character models are janky and not pleasing to look at (even the normal characters suffer this fate). The only other good thing I'll say is that the dialouge is well acted and fun to listen to....coming from the normal characters. The psychos dialouge are just cliched bad guys who want to bash your brains in dialogue. Out of all the games I've played, this is, hands down, one of the worst I played in a long while. Sadly, that means I can not recommend this to anyone at all. If you want a game that does first-person combat better, play either Zeno Clash games or Mirror's Edge. If you want a game that does horror good, get either the first or second F.E.A.R or Amnesia. Just avoid this game.
Posted 22 February, 2016.
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