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Recent reviews by Abs0lem

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2,349.7 hrs on record (2,321.4 hrs at review time)
Conter-Strike 2 is truly an amazing game, fantastic!! I love it so much!! Valve just needs to work a little more on input lag, lag compensation, jitter, fps avg optimization specially 1% lows, stuttering, gpu utilization, subtick hitreg delay (dying behind walls), tickrate, anticheat, promises, 5stack premier elo boost services, floaty movement, wonky leg physics when strafing, nade throw delay, model clipping through walls, nvidia reflex fix, cpu multithreading optimization (cpu utilization?), water optimization, clunky nade physics when landing, ignoring nova4 opinions that dictate tickrate decisions who can't even tell the difference between 60hz and 144hz monitor, bloomy visibility, desync tracers (you don't get what you see experience), 60fps recoil animation, bright muzzle flash, v_sync off fix, hud customization to make it less distracting, blurry minecraft graphics on 1280x960 all low looking worse than CSGO, right click refund buymenu, 3D audio positioning, demo replays with agents hoverboarding, server hardware and infrastructure, better nade visibility to differentiate smoke/flash midair, cl_bob + cl_righthand cvars, 0.5 outlinethickness crosshair, shiny nade trajectories, report system banning you 1 week for sayin '♥♥♥♥♥ bish' banter to some sensitive blue haired hardstuck nova4 turbocuck, reduce particles/dirt/birds/leaves that get mistaken by a flash, net_graph, reduce debree from shooting walls, weird ELO system, cl_minmodels / improve agents visibility, remove forced 64 tick + allow 128tick sv(faceit), gamemodes (specially DM), weird FPS drop as the game progresses, crashes, dusty maps, teammates proximity rubberbanding, peeker advantage, 64tick weird spray, mr12 economy, smg meta fix, skin's dull models design, 60hz feeling with high fps.
Posted 7 October, 2023.
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0.2 hrs on record
Its a game that you would buy if u dont know where to spend money, but is not gonna be a buy you're gonna be proud of
Posted 26 August, 2018.
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