Tactical Democracy
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I've been on Steam for 19 years and still don't understand why it needs profiles.
Vetrina delle recensioni
1.173 ore di gioco
good for a couple hours of fun
Vetrina degli achievement più rari
Attività recente
61 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 5 nov
Achievement   12 di 34
14,6 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 5 nov
194 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 5 nov
Gabe Knight 23 ago 2023, ore 12:45 
Friendly and has a massive video game knowledge :installgen2:
~~~~ Rep +++ ~~~~
Lisk 17 ago 2022, ore 8:17 
I just read your review for Legion TD 2 and it made my day. Thank you for writing that. It means a lot to know that people like you understand what we've tried so hard to make. Thanks for continuing to inspire me to work hard to continue to improve the game!!
Gabe Knight 7 feb 2022, ore 18:56 
Adding you to my FL just to track the games you played. Easier to all add them to my wishlist hehe.
BokitoProof 11 lug 2021, ore 13:57 
CBR6V 25 giu 2021, ore 12:39 
Based boy jersh outing the ♥♥♥♥♥ chasers
MadameHardy 5 nov 2020, ore 10:00 
Sent you a friend request; I'm a goon.