This profile is a last cry for help! :PuroAmazed:

The name is Gyimo, your friendly neighbor 4chan sh*tposter. Also a member of an immoral subculture. Hardcore energy drink and benzodiazepine addict. I can't sleep more than a few hours a week, so I tend to zone out a lot during games.

Other infos

- I'm from a very nice country where you can find more internet memes than democracy.

- I love fishing, or anything fish / shark related.

- I always keep a sharp screwdriver in my pocket, hoping one day it will puncture one of my lungs.

- I have dyslexia and I'm slightly colorblind.

- I can fix your Huawei and Lenovo devices for fairly cheap.

- Death to UCPMB

- No, I won't reveal my DeviantArt or e621 artist name. I won't advertise any of my art here. I don't wan't anyone to judge me by my degenerate and sick artworks.
It's Purover
582 時間プレイ
Played it a bit, its fine.

I should touch some grass...
10月31日 に最後にプレイ
10月30日 に最後にプレイ
10月21日 に最後にプレイ
Julix 2023年3月20日 12時33分 
+rep, good teammate
$pider 2022年6月7日 6時06分 
find god
N_Lamp 2022年6月1日 0時43分 
Bro you need help. You need it bad. Please bro, get help
ajc 2022年5月31日 12時08分 
you're a weird guy bro
Billy 2022年5月31日 10時32分 
60+ hours on furry hitler, are you good
DwightMuffins 2022年5月30日 16時23分 
Stop playing furry hitler, play something else