Ketamin Keith 25. Okt. um 3:12 
+rep sigma
Empyria 4. Okt. um 16:09 
+rep friendlys person in cs ever
Sharpwood 29. Sep. um 11:37 
+rep master strategist
Snyderino19 13. Sep. um 14:54 
Das M in Casi steht für Maschine
El Nino 1. Sep. um 12:37 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
Morluswyn 18. Juli um 10:13 
goat status
Lameth MeSsIaH 18. März um 6:28 
Amazing guy, delivered me a pizza naked!
Tiny Tippo 13. Feb. um 2:50 
Added for help with hotshot FINAL achievement
TurboWarchief 28. Jan. um 12:08 
amazing guy helped me get my last achievement in generation zero! :2017stickycrab:
Teero 5. Jan. um 23:00 
Hey, thanks! I had to replay the game again because leveling up through the XP gained by finishing races doesn't unlock it. That's the bug. So I had to start over and make sure to get from lvl 29 to 30 by collecting things or doing activities. Happy new year!
Teero 15. Dez. 2023 um 18:49 
Hi, how did you unlock the "Xperienced" achievement for Lego 2K Racing? Apparently it is bugged for a lot of people, myself included. Add me if you got a few minutes to chat.
Theobi 28. Juni 2016 um 1:28 
Gruß Langer ;)
Willi Würstchen 11. Juni 2013 um 9:41 
520 games.
(307) containing achievements.
(213) regular games.
Rest sind DLC's und Konsorten.
Zur Party? ZUR PARTY!
Reaver_411 20. Dez. 2012 um 11:24 
Bla bla bla cooler Hip-Hop-Ausdruck bla bla.... bla
Blackbird 31. Aug. 2009 um 13:03 