Alejandro   Buenos Aires, Argentina
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현재 오프라인
THE USUAL SUSPECT 2024년 5월 24일 오전 10시 51분 
As long as you are holding the lever down, the grenade will not detonate. It’s only when you let go of the spoon that the firing pin will flick over and hit the top of the cap, leading to the timed fuse igniting.

So, you can actually do a couple of things.

Find a wall or cover you can duck down behind, and throw the grenade over it (making sure everyone is aware of what you are going to do)
Hold onto the grenade calmly and get someone to reinsert the pin for you (not very easy)
Or, get some duct tape and tape the spoon down to the body of the grenade.
I wouldn’t even think of keeping a grenade in this condition - I’d have a UXO disposal officer deal with it (blow it up) for you.

It actually takes a fair amount of force to remove a pin from a grenade - the ends of the pin are bent into a diamond shape. So it’s unlikely you’ll just find yourself with a grenade with no pin in
t1lt 2023년 11월 28일 오후 6시 59분 
En verdad? 🙄🙄🙄 me acabas de preguntar ❔❓❔ si me gusta 👍👍👍 Duki? 😈 obviamente me gusta 😒😒😒 no sé si estás ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 😝😝😝 o tienes caca en la cabeza 💩💩💩 pero deberías saber 😮😮😮 Duki😈 inventó el TR🅰P 🔥🔥🔥 pero que se puede esperar 😑😑😑 de un posser como tú 👊👊👊 que no sabe de buena música 🎼🎼🎼 maldito metálico mugroso 😷😷😷 cuando te bañes 💁💁💁 vienes y críticas al rey 👑👑👑 del TR🅰P Duki😈
retrazago 2023년 11월 4일 오후 2시 02분 
Viste la pelea que hubo ayer en la noche frente a tu casa? Estaban 1000 angelitos peleando por protegerte !! Hasta que uno venció y entró a tu casa y se emocionó al verte durmiendo y de repente escuchó un shhh...miró y a tu la lado estaba Jesús y le dijo guarda silencio que esta personita necesita descansar protegida por mí!... Si crees en Dios manda este mensaje a 15 amigos.. Y dentro de 2 horas te pasará algo lindo no lo cortes. Se vale regresar.
AMATERASU 2021년 8월 30일 오후 11시 31분 
el couch pa
d$ 2021년 1월 3일 오후 10시 56분 
Vos sos k7 la leyenda del counter?
rapid & flor 2020년 4월 25일 오전 9시 59분 
2much aim