Squirrel 15.3.2021 klo 16.40 
-rep bad gamer
HelpMeFindSwag 16.1.2021 klo 19.48 
absolute chad
child labor force 29.12.2020 klo 0.44 
absolut chad canadian +repo
Rainbourne 4.12.2020 klo 15.07 
+rep, add me
I HAVE A BOMB 1.12.2020 klo 20.27 
-rep not really a girl do not fall for HIS lies
jerome 27.8.2020 klo 18.40 
-rep toxic
Bliss 23.6.2020 klo 6.30 
add me for a quick talk, i have an offer, i couldnt add you for some reason...
Ukel^ 10.1.2020 klo 21.14 
why ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ why ?????
my crush does not like me :( 25.10.2019 klo 0.22 
i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love dota2
Fatty 11.3.2018 klo 19.14 
KTrain 4.2.2018 klo 10.39 
Accept the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ friend request this is important =rep
MujahiDeans 3.11.2017 klo 15.50 
-rep raped me is squad
~Solar~ 1.11.2017 klo 13.08 
-rep his/her/its crush does not like it/im/her
Uncle Sam 1.11.2017 klo 11.21 
-rep his/her/its crush does not like it/im/her
Z 23.9.2017 klo 19.42 
ITS MY FAULT 28.8.2017 klo 15.05 
he is the best player aat csgo better then kennys
Phultz 17.8.2017 klo 10.08 
Gave me one small Papa John's pizza ( hot pan pizza) with extra cheese, she's a blessing I tell ya