Morgan   Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Better get cracking on some of those important projects of mine.

Profile pic by @KonnahIsTired 🌈

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OC Quotes
"Ah ♥♥♥♥" - Idriot

"You must be a crossroads demon, because you've stolen my soul!" - Orpheus

"It don't matter where it came from, only matters that it tastes good!" - Syl

"If you knew your life would end soon, would you give it to protect others?" - Kenry

“It is the privilege of my knowledge to speak, as it is your province to listen to me.” - Flint

"Peace and the natural order are not one and the same." - Raylaen

"The most beautiful moments are those when the rhythm of the universe syncs with the rhythm of your soul." - Nehya
70 Stunden gespielt
Played this game simply to romance daddy Thanatos. Highly recommend.
279 Stunden gespielt
Did I hear a Rock and Stone?
green football 23. Jan. 2017 um 20:38 
salty dog