Турбо Лена
Sayouri   British Virgin Islands
Opel Corsa C 35 PSI
Raise your voice against me = troll
always bottom fragger
if u don't lüften the room becomes stickig
✪ mir = troll 6. Nov. um 1:46 
+rep best negev player
✪ mir = troll 1. Juli um 5:17 
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666✈ 24. Juni um 15:59 
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Турбо Лена 24. Juni um 15:19 
u mad bro ?
7days 24. Juni um 15:13 
dont play cs troll dog with no life
White2k 20. Juni um 14:18 
-rep уебан бущеный
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ сдохни со своими дружками софтерами