Zombie Girl :)
Jelenleg offline
Tempa szept. 11., 5:06 
+rep sexy girl :)
George Droyd Propylon Tech. 2021. júl. 18., 15:05 
My friend hate crime commiter
George Droyd Propylon Tech. 2021. jún. 23., 12:43 
Holy f4cking sh1t. I want to bang Afterstories so f4cking bad. I just can't stand it anymore. Any time I play BDO with Afterstories, I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every single one of his pixiv bookmarks. My dreams are nothing but constant f4cking sex with Afterstories. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Afterstories’s tight brown a55hole. I want him to suck all my humanity out of me and ride me to death. Anyways, do you guys relate to this?
Void.EXE 2021. jan. 30., 21:44 
Uhhhhhhh, I’m so in luv wichew,
Huhhhhhh I’m so done wichew,
Buuuuuut I'm still in luv wichew, uhhhhhh...
Fallin in n out of love in n outta luv whichew
Fallin in n out of looove in n outta luv whichew
omari 2021. jan. 29., 4:04 
Afterstories 2021. jan. 26., 14:46 