Lupo Marcio
Marzio   Italy
Nessuna informazione.
Hello there!
:burgzone: Welcome to my Steam Profile :burgzone:
I'm Marzio AKA Marcio and I'm a 3D modeler working on my portfolio.. Pretty slowly, because I'm a lazy ass.
I play videogames since I was a little kid, mostly console games, growing up I found out the PC gaming and now I want to try any title that I can run on my machine!

I have a Twitch Channel [] and I livestream using my selfmade :lovelyeye: Animaze Avatar :lovelyeye: mostly 5 times a week, games and 3D modeling sessions.
Occasionally I'll play to some kind of multiplayer, but I'm not a champion due my lack of time to dedicate at it, but I really LOVE party games !
Most every game I'll play will be played in Hard difficulty because I like challenges!
I speak Italian (motherlanguage) and English as my second language. Feel free to talk when I'm livestreaming!

Twitch [] Lupomarcio :BENDTIME: Mostly 19:00 CET
Instagram [] @Lupomarcio
Artstation [] @Marzio
Telegram channel [] @Lupomarcio
Sketchfab [] @Lupomarcio
Twitter @Lupomarcio
K70 RGB Profiles - ISO Keyboard []

:CrowdControl: Adding requirements :CrowdControl:
I'll mostly add anyone I know or talked to, if we didn't met yet, at least leave a comment! :epiwink:

:seasons_winter: The more you know :seasons_winter:
:assault:You'll want to know that I'm not much of a talker so there are very high chances of not receving any kind of conversation-starter from me;
:conwayfacepalm:And I'm slow at answering, sorry about that.
:MrFoster:If you ask to play with me, I will probably reject the offer because sadly I've not much free time, so please don't be annoying by asking every second or I'll have to remove you, thank you for understanding.
:sticky:I don't play many competitive games due to lack of time, I'm an average gamer, so don't expect me to be a prø, I just want to have fun and try to win the game.

:snack: Thank you for your time spent reading this. :snack:
Vetrina immagini
Lupo Marcio
Attività recente
4,4 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 14 nov
Achievement   7 di 20
17,5 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 8 nov
210 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 8 nov
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twitch enjoyer
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sei proprio un lupo, vergognati
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