(Klovn, uʌoןʞ, Klovni, Clown)
Hello! I am Klovn and I like Mountains

NeWMaN 29 ott 2015, ore 22:09 
Happy Haloween Ville !!! :spg2devil:
Krekeris 14 mag 2015, ore 11:53 
Klovni, I'm saying this because I care... You have a serious Tic Tac problem, please get help. I'm worried about you and your "problem" is not only affecting you, but those around you as well. Please get help as soon as you can.
NeWMaN 2 ago 2014, ore 9:27 
I can spend with him days! What a guy :D I drink for him...:tomsbottle:
systematic destruction 1 ago 2014, ore 13:14 
+rep fast and fair trader
Krekeris 30 mar 2014, ore 1:06 
Clownie <3
Cats 10 mar 2014, ore 17:34 
The best upside down guy I know. <3