¡ Crystal (Low) LVL UP BOT
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Crystal | Level Up Service
Crystal (Low) LVL UP
Crystal (Medium) LVL UP
Crystal (High) LVL UP

The ♥♥♥ will trade you card sets that you have never crafted.
The ♥♥♥ does not check card sets in your inventory. Always craft your sets in your inventory before trading.

Can't trade with you if:
1. Your inventory is private!
2. You got a trade hold!
3. You haven't had Mobile Authenticator for 7 days!

Main commands:
!LANG - Change the ♥♥♥ language.
!CHECK - Checks how many card sets you can buy.
!LEVEL (your dream level) - Will check how many card sets you need to reach desired level.
!PRICES - Shows my current rates.
!STOCK - Shows currencies stock of the ♥♥♥.
!CHECKONE - Checks how many individual card sets you can buy.
!SUPPORT (desired message) - Use to send messages directly to my owner.
!CHECKTF (amount of keys) - Shows how many card sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of TF2 keys.
!BUYTF (amount of keys) - Buy uncrafted card sets for a specific amount of TF2 Keys.
!SELLCHECK - Checks for card sets the ♥♥♥ can buy from you.
!SELLTF (amount of keys) - Sell card sets and get a specific amount of TF2 Keys.
!SELLTOD (amount of tickets) - Sell card sets and get a specific amount of TOD tickets.
!SELLGEMS (amount of sets) - Sell a specific amount of card sets and get Gems.
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偷偷藏不住 1 Nov @ 6:42pm 
Have a nice weekend:csgoct:
330ml/s Beer chug 24 Okt @ 9:01am 
⠈⠙⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠋⠁ Gulp Gulp Gulp *gasp* :drool: :mary_beer:
偷偷藏不住 19 Okt @ 4:39pm 
SikaL 18 Okt @ 9:26pm 
+rep good player