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1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
2314 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 131 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.8.2022
yhteensä 8,4 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.8.2022
yhteensä 7,3 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 2.7.2022
Saltillo - Flood.mp3 2.7.2021 klo 1.32 
Strong Player!:d2invoker:
[ MEMPHI$.FM ] 👻 3.8.2020 klo 22.12 
interesting smurf even though you got carried. smurfing from silver? lmao
[ MEMPHI$.FM ] 👻 3.8.2020 klo 11.19 
LOL 1.5k hours and still plat 1? no wonder you're such a salty little boy. Maybe it's time for you to quit ranked :squirtyay:
Emmori 19.2.2020 klo 15.20 
very fitting name
Bootylicious 👠 Emely 🍼 26.9.2018 klo 20.42 
📗💗🐟 Performance review for Assassin's Weed 🐛🐠🥞

Assassin's Weed still needs to learn the job better and required supervisor's assistance regularly. Provided supervisor help is close at hand, performs the job well. Late on more than 3 but fewer than 5 occasions in 6 months. Has produced several plans, ideas, products and methods in the last six months. But generally they’ve been more of the same – not bursting with freshness and originality. When ideas are challenged by others, Assassin's Weed listens to their view politely, but is able to maintain a position firmly and persuasively without aggression.

🎫 + 🏀 = 🚙
CRISPKIND 2.5.2018 klo 3.10 
+rep decent player^^