Jen júl. 8., 20:54 
Fluicider jún. 26., 2:53 
ez ez ez ez noob assfk stop trying act like pro bro hahahaah
Dest1n1es jún. 26., 2:51 
strong player good shooting +rep
Vephyx jún. 12., 20:50 
imagine being so good some dumbass tought you were hacking couldn't be m- wait that's me lmao ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser -rep
.. jún. 11., 20:03 
stop wall noob dog
i call u malay u say u cina then u say i stupid cina so why u want to be known as cina? stupid malay dog
Waladon máj. 27., 22:04 
actual competitive no lifer csgo player HAHAHAHAAH :steambored:
-rep toxic
✪NightAtomI máj. 11., 14:47 
y2j ápr. 30., 21:26 
you cs2 skills looks like down syndrome played:nazunaMME:
Dark_knight's ápr. 16., 21:04 
A.K.T__ ápr. 8., 5:52 
dog hack... talk big like pro... but 100% noob
Life salt as bread ápr. 1., 0:18 
stop walling
HACKERS_GO_TO_HELL jan. 31., 21:49 
hello hacker ♥♥♥♥ trash
neowww jan. 5., 2:42 
bodonye hidup kau ni
neowww jan. 5., 2:31 
bodo main wall acah fake
<3_cafuné 2023. aug. 17., 13:54 
Metro Boomin 2023. júl. 11., 0:30 
hidup malaysia