NA Highlander Mix TF2-Mix.nahl
NA Highlander Mix TF2-Mix.nahl
23 dicembre 2012
United States 
139 commenti
Stoney 11 lug 2017, ore 12:16 
Soldier looking for hl iron team
she's mine 19 nov 2016, ore 18:58 
Hakon 7 ago 2016, ore 11:16 
lets pug
An autumn for crippled children 26 lug 2016, ore 12:50 
random main looking for silver / gold sub
[Xanny]Codein kun 27 giu 2016, ore 9:25 
medic main looking for silver team highlander
ISneakyI 22 giu 2016, ore 15:28 
lets play some hl pugs
06weapon 11 set 2015, ore 18:23 
source of a lot of fun times, i miss you mixnahl!
soupyNE 10 set 2015, ore 15:13 
I'm starting to question the activeness of this group
Max 2 ago 2015, ore 15:05 
How often does this group play?
Miracles 18 lug 2015, ore 8:27 
I would want to be the demoman of a highlander team
dragon 13 giu 2015, ore 17:00 
When's the last time there was a mix?
nu 3 giu 2015, ore 18:14 
rip :hatty:
Sails 22 mar 2015, ore 10:55 
Excuse me you lovely people! I am looking for any highlander team for me to be thier Soldier/Sniper. I have over 6000+ hrs in TF2 and would make a great add-on to your team. I have had tons of experience versing others and would appreciate it if you would consider having me.
airbear 8 mar 2015, ore 10:39 
For real guys can we do a mix? It's been over a month.
FlavoredWater 27 feb 2015, ore 16:17 
hi guys i was wonder if i can join a IRON HL team(Scout/Spy) add me to see if i can apply for your team
hndgxfyjns 27 gen 2015, ore 17:23 
airbear 27 gen 2015, ore 17:03 
Not that kind of announcement
hndgxfyjns 27 gen 2015, ore 16:28 
airbear 27 gen 2015, ore 16:02 
Someone make announcements to join and quit letting it die again
hndgxfyjns 20 gen 2015, ore 14:47 
Lol, is mix still even big anymore
vanta 3 ott 2014, ore 13:45 
how do I join these
06weapon 29 ago 2014, ore 11:26 
junktron 8 ago 2014, ore 19:10 
lightseba 4 ago 2014, ore 16:13 
mrgocrazy5 23 lug 2014, ore 18:04 
mrgocrazy5 23 lug 2014, ore 18:03 
seba calm the fuck down you have literally made 12 announcements in 4 minutes goddam
Medieval Cat Salesman 20 lug 2014, ore 12:46 
sry we make announcements every 5 second, we swear it works!!!!
Kairulol 19 lug 2014, ore 15:49 
You should try making announcements every 30 seconds instead of every minute, that might help get people's attention.
Nasheed's feed and seed 12 lug 2014, ore 21:14 
An error occured: Invalid session, this most likely means the server has restarted; close this dialog and then try refreshing the page.

this keeps popping up after being in the irc for a while, it then disconnects me and i have to wait about 5 minutes before reconnecting otherwise i get it when i try
"User" 11 lug 2014, ore 18:28 
I'm getting the same issue.
Appa The Sky Bison 8 lug 2014, ore 16:19 
I can never connect to the webchat. it just kicks me and says my host cant be found
Whatup 28 giu 2014, ore 16:08 
I am having the same issue
TheS4rr<3 28 giu 2014, ore 14:10 
Yeah I'm getting that as well. Is there something we have to download?
Dr Sunpai 28 giu 2014, ore 7:39 
I'm getting a "File not found" error when opening the geeksirc link. Is the link obsolete or something?
not khris 16 giu 2014, ore 14:39 
not khris 4 mag 2014, ore 14:01 
Oh man...I'm a mod now. *I* can timestamp. Huzzah!
not khris 13 apr 2014, ore 14:54 
Hey, mods -- when you post an announcement to get players, can you put a timestamp on them?
Captain 6 apr 2014, ore 18:20 
!add demo
Baskl 13 mar 2014, ore 11:13 
Come on add up for mixx, mix is dying cause not much people are adding up
monty 6 mar 2014, ore 14:12 
turn down for what
JesusOnWheels_ 25 gen 2014, ore 20:43
To join mix click that link and type !add <classname> then u will join it.
Luminarise 23 gen 2014, ore 21:34 
How do I join these Mixes :\
the fly 11 gen 2014, ore 17:51 
where is the mix?
singed 21 dic 2013, ore 14:58 
!add sniper
ham sandwich . com 12 nov 2013, ore 14:34 
mason is shit
bucky baseball 11 nov 2013, ore 17:01 
Phloppo 8 nov 2013, ore 20:40 
23:38:44 Phloppo: .eightball does ElenaMorning love me?
23:38:44 GameServ: Yes.
phelix 26 ott 2013, ore 0:13 
can you tell us a bit more? Are you being kicked by something, is it saying you're banned or giving you some error?
Grimm 22 ott 2013, ore 10:23 
Unable to log into mix even when authed with gamesurge. Is it my issue, a bot issue, etc?
cloaky 16 ott 2013, ore 13:26 
my house is gonna blow up since im cooking so