GreenScream's Private Hive GSDAYZ
GreenScream's Private Hive GSDAYZ
21 July, 2013
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Reaper 30 Jul, 2015 @ 9:01am
How to report rule breakers
Hopefully this will clear things up a little bit for people.

How to report a KOS---

The first method is to send a chat message in game using the prefix "//"
Example-- "// I was just KOSed need help please admin"
Any admin who is watching the logs should see this.
(NOTE: Admins may respond via global chat, in such a case, watch for the red text)

Option number two is to post a message on the Steam group page, upon seeing this we will do our best to assist you. As always the more information you can provide the better.

Option number three (which is the most effective way to go about it)
1. Join the TeamSpeak server |
2. Ask to speak to an Admin ( Their name will have a BLACK STAR beside it)
3. Explain what happened. Any information you can give us makes our job that much easier.
--helpful information includes; where it happened, how many people there were, what weapon they used, when it hppened, and why it happened.

For best results report the KOS (or any other problems) as soon as it happens. Waiting till the next day makes our job of finding the person and dealing with them much harder!

All of this can be found on our server rules discussion, please take some time to familiarize yourself with our server rules before playing on our server!

Hope this helps! And stay friendly out there!

Official server rules-
Last edited by Reaper; 4 Oct, 2015 @ 2:17pm